Today after a few desktop activities we moved in to the kitchen and made play dough.
Now I know the store bought stuff (play “doh” if you will) is non-toxic, but I felt better making it from ingredients found in my kitchen (since I was pretty sure Luke would eat it). Plus, this gave Adam and me a chance to do some “baking” together. He helped me measure and poured all the ingredients into the sauce pan and then I had him go play while I turned the stove on and did the actual cooking.
We used lemon flavored jello as one of our ingredients – making it suitable for “L” week and slightly better smelling than store bought play-doh. Once it had cooled I got out a few cookie cutters and the rolling pin and we had a ball. Adam liked making snowmen and at one point made a sculpture of Papa skiing (sorry Dad, I didn’t get a picture of it before he demolished it).
Tired, morning-nap-less Luke liked it too.
Well, he liked playing with it at least – he wasn’t crazy about the taste. I’ve heard that it was pretty salty (apparently Dave confused “safe to eat” with “good to eat”).