Errand Boy

Dave took this week off from work, so this morning Adam and I ran errands together while Luke and Daddy stayed home. We had a list, complete with pictures, so Adam could keep track of our stops. I’m not sharing the list because I don’t want you all to be jealous of my amazing art skills (and because it’s still in the car).

Our last stop was the grocery store. I needed to pick up the ingredients to make a treat to take to my Wednesday night knitting group. Since we had such a short list, Adam was in charge of the cart.

He also was in charge of getting himself dressing this morning, in case you were wondering. The sticker on his arm is from the nice lady at the post office.

Last night when I told him that we were going to be running errands and that Luke would be staying home with Dave he got very concerned.

Adam: “Why Luke not coming too Mama?”

Me: “Because he is going to stay home with Daddy.”

Adam: “Is the post office scary?”

Me: “No, the post office is nice. You have been there lots of times.”

Adam: “If the post office is not scary then Luke can come!”

It’s hard to argue with logic like that. This morning though, he seemed fine with it being just the two of us and we were able to cross everything off of our list.