June 9, 2012

Dear Luke,

Happy first birthday little man. How is it possible that it has already been a year (a leap year even) since you were born?

You have recently mastered walking and crawling down the stairs. You love to clap, give high-fives, and share the most wonderful kisses (they are open-mouthed, messy, slobbery things, and I absolutely love them).

I once said that your older brother was the happiest baby I’d ever met. And it’s true, he was, but that is only because I hadn’t met you yet. You are such an amazing little guy. You have the most fantastic smile and people can’t help but smile back when they see it.

You adore your big brother and it makes my heart so happy to see you play together. Adam loves to make you laugh (he also likes to try to sit on you, which you like much less), and the sound of the two of you giggling is the best thing I’ve ever heard.

Before you were born I wondered what your personality would be like and how it would fit in to our little family. And now I wonder what we ever did without you. We are so lucky to have you.

You are my pacifier loving little snuggle bunny. These two traits are completely different than what I was used to with your brother. I could do without the pacifier (though you tend to disagree – loudly), the cuddling though – that I adore.

But then again, I pretty much adore everything about you right now Luke-a-Duke. Your daddy and I are so blessed to be your parents and look forward to watching you grow up. There’s no hurry though, so take your time.

Love, Mama