Summer Camp

Adam and Luke are at “camp” this week. I know they are going to have a blast with Grandma (or Mabel as Adam has taken to calling her), Papa, Aunt Stacy, and Uncle Robbie.

I am enjoying the pictures, text message updates, and phone calls (along with the peace and quiet – yesterday’s agenda included shopping and lunch with a good friend, a pedicure, and then dinner and hanging out with friends – it was awesome).

I do miss my boys though.

Overheard this week

We have a book called “Mommy Hugs” that Adam has been requesting a lot lately at bedtime. I was out the other night and Adam asked Dave to read it – only he insisted that Dave say “Daddy Hugs” instead of “Mommy” while reading it.


We were shopping and Dave and Luke went off to a different part of the store to look for something.

Adam: Mommy, where DaddyLuke go? (he often leaves the “and” out when talking about multiple people)

Me: They went to look for something. We will go find them in a just a minute.

Adam: But Mommy, we have to stay together! We a family remember?


Me: Adam, come here and let me change your diaper.

Adam: No thanks.

Me: Get over here, you smell horrible.

Adam: No, no change my diaper Mommy. I a stinky skunk.


Adam: Mommy, you need you socks on.

Me: No I am wearing flip-flops, I don’t need to wear socks with these shoes.

Adam: Mommy, you need socks on. It’s the law.


While shopping Adam was standing in front of the stroller, blocking my path.

Me: Adam, you have got to move.

Adam (singing): I got the moves like Jagger.

(that one might not make sense to everyone, but if you do get it – it’s pretty funny)


After Dave read him a bedtime story about a wide-mouthed frog that likes to eat flies, Adam announced that he is a “wide-mouthed Adam that likes to eat chicken”.


The Duke’s First Haircut

You may have noticed on the last pictures I posted that Luke looked different. Friday night we took him to get his first haircut.




He actually handled it really well. The only part he didn’t like was when he couldn’t turn his head to see the clippers.

In case you’re wondering where Adam was, he was hiding in the corner of the waiting area.

I kept telling him that he wasn’t going to get a haircut, but I don’t think he believed me.

Believe in Yesterday

Yesterday started with Luke’s one year portraits.

And ended with bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and car washes.

Oh and there was also a bloody nose, after Luke fell on the driveway and landed schnoz first. Poor kid. But considering he started his day with cake for breakfast, there really wasn’t anyplace else for it to go but downhill.

According to Adam

How old is Daddy?  2, like me.

How tall is Daddy? 4

What color is Daddy’s hair? Brown, like yours Mommy, and like mine too.

What color are Daddy’s eyes? Black

What is Daddy’s favorite color? Orange

What Daddy’s favorite song? Ring Around the Rosies & The Itsy Bitsy Spider

What is Daddy’s favorite TV Show? Baseball

What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? Color

What is something Daddy always says to you? It’s time to eat.

What is Daddy’s job? To go to work

What is Daddy’s favorite food? Chicken…no, spaghetti

What is Daddy’s favorite drink? Beer

What does Daddy like to wear? Clothes

What does Daddy do for fun? Play with Adam

Where does Daddy like to go? To the Apple (Applebees)

What do you do to make Daddy laugh? I ride my tractor

What makes Daddy so smart? Because he knows up and down, and left and right, and stop and go.

What makes Daddy happy? A new toy, a baseball mitt, and a baseball.

Why do you love Daddy? Because he is Daddy


Happy Father’s Day Dave! I think your boy knows you pretty well.

More Conversations with Adam

Dave: Adam, when are you going to get a job?

Adam: I too little Daddy.

Dave: How old do you have to be to get a job?

Adam: Four.

Dave: Where are you going to get a job?

Adam: At the apple (Applebees), but I still come home for lunch.



Adam (while struggling with the harness of his carseat): I don’t want to be safe Mommy!

Me: Well, that is too bad. You have to sit in your carseat, it’s the law. If you don’t stay buckled up then Mommy will go to jail.

Adam: I want you to go to jail Mommy.

Me: If I go to jail who will play with you all day and make your lunch?

Adam: Daddy do it.

Me: Daddy has to go to work.

Adam: Maybe you go to jail tomorrow Mommy.


The pictures have nothing to do with the stories – they are from grocery shopping last night. It was just the two of us and we had a short list, so Adam got to push his own cart.


June 9, 2012

Dear Luke,

Happy first birthday little man. How is it possible that it has already been a year (a leap year even) since you were born?

You have recently mastered walking and crawling down the stairs. You love to clap, give high-fives, and share the most wonderful kisses (they are open-mouthed, messy, slobbery things, and I absolutely love them).

I once said that your older brother was the happiest baby I’d ever met. And it’s true, he was, but that is only because I hadn’t met you yet. You are such an amazing little guy. You have the most fantastic smile and people can’t help but smile back when they see it.

You adore your big brother and it makes my heart so happy to see you play together. Adam loves to make you laugh (he also likes to try to sit on you, which you like much less), and the sound of the two of you giggling is the best thing I’ve ever heard.

Before you were born I wondered what your personality would be like and how it would fit in to our little family. And now I wonder what we ever did without you. We are so lucky to have you.

You are my pacifier loving little snuggle bunny. These two traits are completely different than what I was used to with your brother. I could do without the pacifier (though you tend to disagree – loudly), the cuddling though – that I adore.

But then again, I pretty much adore everything about you right now Luke-a-Duke. Your daddy and I are so blessed to be your parents and look forward to watching you grow up. There’s no hurry though, so take your time.

Love, Mama




Dave: Adam! Don’t pull your brother by his leg.

Adam: May I pull Luke by his hand?

Dave: No.

Adam: May I pull Luke by his eye?

Dave: You can’t pull Luke by anything, just leave him alone please.


After I finished changing Adam’s diaper this morning he said, “Thank you Mommy Paul Princess!”


Me: Adam, I am not going to talk to you again until you finish your lunch.

Adam: Why you not talking Mommy?

Adam: Mommy, why you not talking?

Adam: Did you batteries die Mommy?