Adam in Red

Guess what we did yesterday?

Also, he totally dressed himself. The shorts are on backwards and the shirt is from last year. It’s sized 18 months.  Thank goodness for washable paint, because he’ll probably be wearing it this summer too.

Adam did recently have a growth spurt though. I haven’t measured him, but I am pretty sure he is a couple inches taller based on the length of his pants (I’m not that bad at laundry so I don’t think I’m suddenly shrinking all his clothes).  The majority of his things are 2T, but another inch or two and we’ll need to switch to 3T pants for the length. Good thing shorts season is coming up.

No Boundaries

This kid has a sixth sense when it comes to the baby gate at the bottom of our stairs.

He seems to know immediately when the gate is down and takes that as an invitation for him to head up the stairs. He will crawl halfway up, turn to see who is watching him and wait for someone to start towards him before going up the rest as fast as he can (laughing hysterically as he goes).

It is, apparently, the best game ever.

I’m awfully fond of you

This, my friends, is the Holy Grail of photographs for me.

There is nothing in Luke’s mouth, both boys are happy and looking at the camera (well, in this case they were looking at the duck on my head, but that’s close enough).

Adam then insisted on putting the duck on his head – which turned out to be a fantastic idea. He normally has a fit when it is time for me to rinse the shampoo out of his hair, but didn’t have a problem with me dumping water on the duck.

Works for me.

Derby Day

We went to a Derby Party yesterday and all had a great time. Adam loved running around with the other kids and decorating his Derby hat.

Also, I would like to point out that Adam has been wearing that shirt for over a year now. Luke is going to run out of hand-me-downs soon if that kid doesn’t start growing.

Slip Slidin’ Away

I met a friend out for lunch today and, at her suggestion, we went to a McDonald’s with a nice, huge play area. It was a great idea. We were able to sit and talk while Adam ran around like a wild man.

We were there for about an hour and a half before he worked up the courage to go down this big slide. He was so proud of himself and went around telling anyone that would listen, “I go down the big slide, I not scared!”. He then went down the slide nonstop until we left. He couldn’t wait to tell Dave that he went down the slide and probably mentioned it to him at least four separate times over the course of our evening.

While I’m on the subject of Adam I need to relate a story from earlier this week. We met Dave for lunch after story-time on Wednesday (I know, two lunch dates in one week – we are so popular). After we were done eating Adam said, “I see Uncle Robbie”. I asked him where and he pointed to one of the television screens and said, “Right there, playing basketball”. I asked him if Uncle Robbie was a good basketball player and he thought about it for a minute then said, “No, he not. He miss.”

Sorry Rob. Maybe we can borrow some videos of your games to convince him otherwise?

Are You Sleeping Brother Luke?

Poor Luke.

Adam woke The Duke up when he was trying to take his afternoon nap yesterday – twice. When Luke finally was left alone he just flopped right over where he was sitting and went back to sleep.

He ended up changing positions eventually, and slept for over four hours.

I totally get it little man. It takes a lot of energy to keep up with your big brother.

April Showers

This kid had a pretty productive April.

He had a doctor’s appointment, celebrated his first Easter, spent some time at Grandma & Papa’s house (where Grandma taught him how to clap his hands and play Pat-a-Cake), he got two new teeth, and started waving bye-bye.

I am sure it won’t be too much longer before we’re adding dates in for more teeth. If you look real close at the next picture, you can see that there are two more teeth on the top row that are just about ready to break through.

He’s a busy kid.