I met a friend out for lunch today and, at her suggestion, we went to a McDonald’s with a nice, huge play area. It was a great idea. We were able to sit and talk while Adam ran around like a wild man.
We were there for about an hour and a half before he worked up the courage to go down this big slide. He was so proud of himself and went around telling anyone that would listen, “I go down the big slide, I not scared!”. He then went down the slide nonstop until we left. He couldn’t wait to tell Dave that he went down the slide and probably mentioned it to him at least four separate times over the course of our evening.
While I’m on the subject of Adam I need to relate a story from earlier this week. We met Dave for lunch after story-time on Wednesday (I know, two lunch dates in one week – we are so popular). After we were done eating Adam said, “I see Uncle Robbie”. I asked him where and he pointed to one of the television screens and said, “Right there, playing basketball”. I asked him if Uncle Robbie was a good basketball player and he thought about it for a minute then said, “No, he not. He miss.”
Sorry Rob. Maybe we can borrow some videos of your games to convince him otherwise?