Hot to trot

I took the boys to the park this morning for a little bit. We ended up leaving after 30 minutes because it was near 90 degrees and Adam was starting to turn red and get sweaty (he overheats really easily).

It took another ten minutes for me to buckle Adam in to his car seat – while he screamed, kicked, and threw the mother of all tantrums because he didn’t want to leave. By the time I was finally able to force him in to the seat he was drenched in sweat. So the playing at the park was a lot of fun – the leaving, not so much.

Grams’s Birthday

On Tuesday we spent the day with Dave’s grandma (and mom and aunt) to celebrate her birthday (a week early).

Adam was very excited to sing Happy Birthday and help Grams blow out the candles.

Both boys were pretty happy about the cupcakes.

Happy early birthday Grandma Marie! We love you!!


This first picture is from 10 days ago. I wanted to go for a walk with the boys but couldn’t figure out how to open our double stroller. Thankfully they didn’t seem to mind sharing a seat (Dave did show me how to open it when he got home, so there is hope I’ll remember it for next time).

These next two pictures are from tonight.

Luke waiting on his dinner and Adam during the walk we took before bedtime.

And it’s a little random, but here are some funny things we’ve heard from Adam lately:

Yesterday Dave got out the fan for our family room and after it was turned on Adam stood in front of it, looked at Dave and said, “Wow, that’s amazing”.

When we were shopping at Walmart he stopped in the aisle, crouched down and then jumped as far as he could. He looked at a lady coming toward us and said, “Did you see that amazing jump?” (she did and praised him accordingly).

Last month we found a robin in our garage after somebody (me) left the door open all night. Adam got as close as he dared to the bird and said, “What are you doing in the garage birdie? You should be outside flying.”

Crazy kid.

Story Time

Adam was so good yesterday at the library. I was really surprised at how well behaved he was. Don’t get me wrong, Adam is a good kid, however he’s got a lot of energy and so sitting still during story time doesn’t always go as well as I would like.

Of course this was the last story time until the fall. We’ll see if he remembers this good behavior when they start back up again.

Mother’s Day

Adam brought me a card first thing this morning and said, “Here mommy, this is for you! Can I open it?”

So of course I let him (he is laughing in that picture, not crying).

One of Luke’s current favorite things to do is to stand on his head. I don’t understand it, but if Luke’s happy, I’m happy.

Adam was so proud of his coloring and told me he used, “all the colors in the rainbow”.

Happy Mother’s Day everyone!

Crazy Remote Hand Guy

One of Luke’s favorite things to play with right now are remote controls.

If you sat him in a room with food on one side and a remote control on the other I think he would have a really hard time deciding which to go for first – which says a lot – because this kid loves food.

“Hey! I’m Crazy Remote Hand Guy! Now, give me some candy! Don’t you think I deserve some for being this crazy?!” (not sure how many of you will get my Saturday Night Live reference here, but he is a little crazy).