
We ran errands yesterday morning and met Dave out for lunch. Poor Luke was so exhausted when we got home he passed right out.

Adam wasn’t too far behind him. Lately in addition to Pillow, More Pillow, and Mickey he’s also required the dinosaur blanket my friend Lisa made him to accompany him wherever he goes. He always tells me that Alicia made his blanket for him (he gets “Miss Lisa” confused with “Alicia”, and since Alicia is Diego’s sister on one of his favorite cartoons, it’s like his own little brush with a celebrity – bet you didn’t know you were that cool Lisa, did you?).

It is really adorable though and I never would have imagined, that just over a year ago when Adam started to steal my favorite pillows off of my bed he’d still be carrying them around today. He named them Pillow and More Pillow (such a creative child) and refers to their cases as their shirts (which I think is adorable, thanks for starting that Dad).

The other day before his nap he ran downstairs to get Pillow, dropped him off in his room and then went back for Mickey. When he returned with the mouse he told me that I could come with him and get his dinosaur blanket and he would get More Pillow and it would be fun, like teamwork.

So I did, and it was.