Mouths of Babes

We had a bunch of errands to run this morning. One of them was a trip to the rescue mission in a larger town about half an hour away. The GPS took me a different way that I was expecting and I muttered aloud to myself, “Where are we?”

I wasn’t expecting an answer when Adam piped up from the backseat with, “We in the city Mommy”. That kid is too much sometimes.

After we had dropped off the clothes we were donating we headed to the mall. Along the way we drove through an area that smelled awful. Adam was quick to ask, “Mommy, what that smell?” When I told him I didn’t know he said, “It smell like poop Mommy. Somebody pooped Mommy.” He then spent the next couple minutes trying to decide who was responsible for the odor. He ended up blaming Daddy, who was at work (sorry Dave).

Once we were away from the foul smell, he then decided I was lost (surprisingly I wasn’t) and kept saying over and over again, “Oh no, we lost.” He was later distracted by a police car.

I tried to turn it in to a lesson and instructed him that if he is ever lost he should ask a policeman for help. I think he got the idea because he immediately told me to turn around and go talk to the policeman because “we lost”.

This evening we visited some friends and met their beautiful new daughter. Adam loved the attention he got from them while I snuggled with their baby girl. He showed off for them, singing songs and spinning in circles. At one point he was spinning a like a Tasmanian Devil on speed as he sang the ABC Song as fast as he could. He also got to play with their cat and watch one of his favorite shows on their big TV. Before leaving he remarked that he, “had a great day”.

I know I’ve said it before, but my kids are pretty much made of awesome.


In like a lion?

It was gorgeous here today – 64 degrees, which is unheard of for this time of year in our neck of the woods. We had story time at the library this morning and then errands to run, but we were able to take advantage of the nice weather after the boys woke up from their naps this afternoon.

Playing with legos right before nap-time.

Luke is in there too – I promise. He was laying down and drinking a bottle.

We dug out the sidewalk chalk for the first time this year.

After we put the chalk away we kicked a soccer ball around for a while; Adam had a blast. Luke was content to just hang out in the stroller and watch.

At one point while chasing the soccer ball, Adam pointed to some bird poop in the driveway and said, “Mommy! Luke throw up on the ground!”

Poor Luke gets blamed for everything.

Be little

Yesterday Luke discovered the potted plants that were (previously) located on the floor. While I was carrying him to the sink to wash off he released a fistful of potting soil down the front of my shirt. Thankfully he has small hands.

Lately the little guy has been standing whenever he can and I’ve even seen him let go and stand alone a couple of times. It only lasts for a second or two before he topples over, but it still scares me. I don’t even want to think about having two walkers on my hands. The Duke has also been working on his dance moves the past couple days. The theme song from Diego (Adam’s current cartoon of choice) is Luke’s favorite song to jam to.

Snuggling together while watching Mickey Mouse

On Tuesday Adam tried to attach his whiteboard to the wall. He got his hammer, held the board against the wall, and hit it repeatedly. He removed his hand and was so disappointed when the board fell. We are in so much trouble if that kid gets his hands on some nails.

While I was making lunch yesterday Adam entertained me by singing the alphabet song. This isn’t a new trick, he’s been singing it for months now, but for the first time he ended it with “now I know my ABCs”, instead of “ACDs”. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me a little sad to hear him sing it properly.