He ain’t heavy

Yesterday I stumbled upon these photos that were taken about a month ago (yes, Luke is wearing the same outfit as yesterday’s post).

I love that last one because it’s photographic proof that Luke does have a small dimple on his left cheek. We’ve noticed it before, but it’s not nearly as pronounced as Dave’s dimples  and Luke has to be making just the right face, so we don’t see it very often.

Also, I would just like to point out the title of this post. If you recognize it as part of a song and can tell me the next line is, “he’s my brother”, your musical knowledge easily surpasses that of a certain husband of mine.

This is the same man that thought I made up the song “Cecilia”. I ended up calling my mom and sister and they backed me up – literally – by singing the song in to the phone for Dave so he knew it was a real song.

Oh, and speaking of Simon and Garfunkel, this past weekend I sprinkled some thyme to the stew we were making and jokingly (or so I thought) asked Dave if I should also add some parsley, sage, and rosemary. He didn’t get it. He told me that rosemary would be to overpowering in the stew.

I don’t know why I even try.