Mr. Independent

Lately Adam wants to do everything by himself.

Here he is taking off the shirt I had just buttoned, “Ah-may do it myself!” (Ah-may is how he pronounces Adam).

And here he is putting the shirt back on.

Getting him dressed is a lot more difficult than it used to be. I try to make sure we have plenty of time for him to dress himself, but sometimes I have to take over. Thankfully he doesn’t stay mad at me for long.

He let me dress him before we went to the YMCA this morning. Then before nap time insisted that he needed pajamas on. He started to put the shirt on backwards and so I asked him if he wanted the teddy bear on his belly or on his back, when he said belly and realized he couldn’t see it, he let me help him without his normal protest. Other than that he was able to get everything on by himself.

Later after a diaper change he had a little trouble putting the pants back on though.

The pants are inside out and backwards. My mom tells her students to wear their pajamas that way when they are hoping for a snow day – maybe Adam wants them to get a half day off tomorrow?