Papa’s Boy

Lately Adam has been all about Papa.

When we drove out to see them on Saturday he kept talking on the ride there about how Papa was going to “save” him (meaning rescue him from his car seat where he was “stuck”). According to Adam, Grandma would save Luke, Stacy would save me, and Rob was in charge of Dave.

Monday while we were baking cookies I said, “Grandmama makes really good cookies, doesn’t she?” (Adam had been sneaking her Christmas cookies, or cut outs – whatever you prefer to call them, the day before).  And he responded with, “No. Papa makes good cookies”.

A different day earlier this week during nap time I covered him up with his teddy bear blanket and asked him if he knew who made it for him. He said Papa. I corrected him and told him that it was a gift from Aunt Lo-lo, but he insists that “Papa made it” (sorry Lo).

Watch out Aunt Stacy, it looks like Adam might have a new favorite…

O Tannenbaum

Monday Dave took the day off of work so that we could bake cookies and decorate our Christmas tree.

Not bad for a little $13 after Christmas super clearance sale tree. It’s not the nicest tree out there, but it suits us just fine. It will be loads better once our tree skirt (if I ever finish it) and some gifts are under it.

An Email Exchange

Sandy: We need to figure out how to not have adam wake when you leave for work.

Dave: other than rolling my truck out of the driveway in neutral, i have no idea

Sandy: Maybe you could sleep in your truck too? And then just leave from there?


I’ll let you know if Dave goes for it, because Adam waking up extra early today after going to sleep extra late last night is not making for a fun morning so far.

Thankfully we don’t have too much going on today. I am hoping after story time at the library (our last for this year) and lunch we can have a nice long group nap.

Crawl the Line

This kid wants to crawl so badly. He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks and when that doesn’t work he gets angry and starts yelling.

He is so close to getting the hang of it. Yesterday he used his feet to push off the floor, almost like jumping, toward a toy that he wanted. It worked and he got the toy – for about 3.5 seconds and then Adam decided he wanted that toy and stole it away.

It’s tough being the little brother.


Baby, you can drive my car

Yesterday the boys and I spent the morning at the indoor playground near our house. I knew Adam would have a good time, but I wasn’t sure Luke would get too much out of it.

Boy was I wrong. Luke had the best time playing in this little red car. His legs could just barely touch the ground, but he was able to jump up and down in it. The steering wheel lit up and made noise and he thought that was the coolest thing ever.

Adam had a blast too. He jumped in the bounce house, slid down the fireman pole (with help), and climbed the rock wall. We will definitely be going back soon.