Brotherly Love

On Tuesday I was sitting in the chair with Luke and Adam climbed up and sat next to us. Once he got settled he asked me if he could hold Luke. It was adorable and I was a little sad that I didn’t have my camera or even my cell phone handy so that I could share the image here. Then I remembered the webcam on my laptop.

It was pretty sweet and both boys were content to sit there for at least 5 minutes – which might not sound like a long time, but trust me with Adam’s energy level and attention span it is.

Speaking of Adam, the poor kid has been a tad under the weather for most of the week. He’s got a little bit of a cough, a runny nose, and he’s teething. Thankfully he’s down to the last two 2-year molars; one is partially through and the other is thinking about it. Once they are both in he will have the complete set of baby teeth.

Oh, and speaking of teeth, when Luke was born I was afraid of Adam would try to give his snacks to him. So I made a point of frequently reminding Adam that Luke is too little for him to share with. Adam seems to have learned the lesson well, since any time I ask him if Luke can have some of his food (fish crackers, chicken, fruit, or any of the 4 other things my obstinate toddle will currently agree to eat), Adam will respond with, “No, no teeth!”

I’m sure it won’t be long until we’re dealing with a cranky teething Luke. Hopefully we can get all of Adam’s in before he starts.