All Adam, all the time

Tonight before bedtime I had Dave help me get a picture of Adam with the bear in the chair, just for old times’ sake.

And in case you’d like a recap, here are all of Adam’s bear in the chair pictures:

I am so glad that we kept up with those photos and that we’re continuing the tradition with Luke. I think it’s so cool to see them all like this and to look at how much he’s changed from the first picture to now.

Make that #18

Before bedtime I had Adam show me his teeth again so I could check on that new molar. When I was looking to see if the other side showed any signs of pushing through I realized that it’s almost completely all the way out. I am not sure how I missed that. I guess I won’t be winning that “Mom of the Year” trophy after all.

To be fair we have had a lot going on here these past couple of weeks. And he never had a fever or any other signs of teething like he normally does.

Now I need to make up a date to fill that blank in on his baby teeth chart.


A couple of hours ago Adam lost the good mood he woke up in and turned in to a total crab. Nothing would make him happy. He wanted to put his shirt on and I wasn’t allowed to help. Then he got his arm stuck and had a fit because I wasn’t helping. He wanted water, but not in the cup I gave him, he wanted it in a different cup (same style, just a different color). He didn’t want me to hang his shirts in his closet and kept saying “no hanger” and pulling them off.

I was pretty frustrated and asked him (in what I will admit was a very exasperated tone) what his problem was. He pointed and said, “ouch mouth.”

Sure enough, right on schedule, the first of his two-year-molars has broken through. Poor kid.


At 8:30 AM

Luke is sleeping. He slept last night from about 9 o’clock until 7:15 this morning. He woke up, ate, had his diaper changed, decided Adam and I are boring, and went back to sleep. Luke is a sleeping superstar.

Adam went to bed at 7:30 last night and slept until 7. We watched an episode of Blue’s Clues while I fed Luke and then moved on to playing with his birthday haul. We opened the set of legos that Dave and I got him and inside there was a clown and an umbrella. Adam picked up the umbrella and started singing, “Rain, rain, go away.” I have no idea where he picked that up, but it was adorable.

Fifteen minutes later when he said, “Fee-fi-fo-fum” while knocking over a pile of freshly folded laundry was slightly less adorable. Okay, it was pretty funny, but not a habit I want to encourage.

No story to go along with this picture, it’s just too cute not to share.