Put Me in the Zoo

Last Saturday we took the boys to the zoo near our house. It’s a small zoo, but it’s the perfect size for Adam, and it’s only 30 minutes from our house.

We spent about two hours at the zoo and saw almost everything (I told you, small zoo). I picked up a family membership for us earlier this year and we have plans to go back and see the exhibits we missed. The zoo is open year round and last year they had events for pre-schoolers a couple of times a month during the winter and spring. The kids got to meet an animal up close, learn about it and do a craft or activity of some sort. Adam was too little for it last year, but hopefully they will continue the program this year and I can take him.

Adam’s favorite part of our trip to the zoo were these little signs they had along the pathway.

Whenever he saw the paw prints he would point and yell, “a clue! a clue!” It was like his own personal game of Blue’s Clues. For those of you that don’t know, Blue’s Clues Adam’s absolute favorite television program. In each episode of the show you have to find clues (3 of them) in the shape of paw prints to figure out what the puppy (Blue) is trying to tell his owner (either Steve or Joe, depending on when the episode was made – we prefer Steve – and by “we” I mean Dave and I, I don’t think Adam cares).

We had to stop and check out each paw print we passed, and as soon as we left it Adam would ask for another one, “more clue?” He didn’t care much about the lions or monkeys, but those “clues” made his whole trip.

Adam was also very interested in the food dispensers in the petting zoo area. However, any time he would get close enough to investigate the animals would come running over and he did not like that at all. It was probably a good thing, since I’m fairly certain if there’d been any food pellets left behind the little door they’d have ended up in Adam’s mouth.

Luke insisted on being held whenever he wasn’t sleeping. And yes, the boys are wearing the same outfit. I told Dave it was in case we lost one of them, then we could tell security, “he is wearing that” and point at the child still with us. He didn’t buy it, he just thinks I like them to match. He’s probably right, especially since I didn’t come up with that reasoning until after we’d already been at the zoo for an hour.