This morning Adam and I were coloring downstairs when Luke woke up from his nap. Adam heard him crying over the monitor, dropped his crayon, and ran upstairs yelling, “Luke, hear you, I coming!” It was pretty darn adorable. He really is a fantastic big brother. He doesn’t understand the “brother” title yet though. If you ask him if Luke is his brother he’ll tell you no. He also tells me I’m not a princess (he’s obviously a little confused).

Luke had his two month checkup this afternoon. The poor little guy got two shots and really was not pleased at all. He was (understandably) a little out of sorts tonight. I’m hoping he feels better when he wakes up in the morning.
Here are his updated stats for those of you keeping score at home.
Weight |
Length |
June 9, 2011 |
7 lbs 12 oz |
20.5 inches |
June 14, 2011 |
7 lbs 4 oz |
21 inches |
June 23, 2011 |
7 lbs 10 oz |
not taken |
July 11, 2011 |
9 lbs 3 oz |
21.75 inches |
August 16, 2011 |
11 lbs 2 oz |
22.75 inches |
Can I just tell you though how amazed I am that Luke sleeps through the night? Just having the thought, much less typing it out, will probably jinx me and insure the next several months will be full of sleepless nights. But he’s been sleeping through the night for a few weeks now – which is a big deal when you’re only 9 weeks old. Adam was over a year before he would sleep through the whole night, so to have Luke being such a sleep superstar at so young is crazy to me (in a really, really good way).
Anyway, after the doctor’s appointment we ran some errands and got something to eat before coming home. Adam and Luke were both really well behaved. Adam kept himself entertained with the easy button on the counter at Staples and kept repeating, “That easy”. He’s been quite the little mimic lately. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before Dave or I slip in front of him and he ends up learning a new 4-letter word. Dave and I are both pretty good about using appropriate language, but we’re not perfect either.
During our post-doctor’s appointment adventures Adam was snacking on a bag of fish crackers (or fish “tatas” as Adam calls them). He did a great job of not making a mess, until we were literally about a minute from our house. We were so close the garage door opener would have had a decent shot at working.
Adam’s reaction to the spilled crackers was something along the lines of, “Oh no! Oop, I sorry Mommy, I sorry.” And yes, it’s just a single “oop” with Adam, no multiple oops for him. Dave vacuumed up the mess shortly after we got home; no use crying over spilled goldfish right?
After emptying the fish out of the dustbuster Dave turned it back on and chased Adam down the hallway with it. Adam is terrified of the vacuum cleaner and did not think his daddy was at all funny, so we put Dave in “time-out”. After he sat for a couple of minutes and then apologized to Adam and gave him a kiss he was allowed to get up. Hopefully he’s learned his lesson.