In the past two weeks Adam has gone from ignoring Luke to taking a real interest in his little brother. Here he is trying to get Luke’s mouth open so he can see that he doesn’t have any teeth.
He also likes to show me Luke’s ears, nose, hair, et cetera (I like to spell it out, rather than writing etc, it makes me feel like Yul Brynner).
We have to remind him to be careful and not to touch the baby’s eyes.
He is also big on holding Luke and giving him hugs – at least I think that last picture is a hug, it could be a headlock I suppose. For the most part Luke doesn’t mind the increase in attention from Adam.
However when Adam tried to sit on his back earlier and said “yeehaw” Luke was less than thrilled. So I had to have a chat with Adam on who it’s okay to “yeehaw”, and who it’s not. Aunt Stacy (since she’s the one that started it), Uncle Rob, Daddy, Papa (sorry Dad), Uncle Steve, and Aunt Amanda – they are all yeehaw-able. Mama, Grandmama, and Luke are not (I invoked my non-yeehaw status while I was pregnant with Luke and have no desire to change it). Let’s hope, for Luke’s sake, the lesson sunk in.
I did snap that one picture, but it was only because the camera was still in my hand and on (lest you think I am a horrible mother letting one child beat up on the other while I photographed it). I don’t feel too bad though since when I told the story to Dave he told me it was too bad I didn’t get it on video.