Doe a Deer

I forgot to mention in my last post that I had the dickens scared out of me earlier. After I put Adam down for his nap I came downstairs to send an email to Dave before indulging in a nap of my own. As I was typing I caught something out of the corner of my eye – it was a deer! It was right outside one of the windows in our family room standing in the flower bed. I stood up to try to get a picture but it ran away. I’m not sure which one of us was more startled.

The end.

Top O’ The Morning To Ya

My little Irish lad and I had a fantastic St. Paddy’s Day. This morning we audited a music class for preschoolers. He wasn’t sure what to think about most of it, but loved it whenever they got the different instruments out and he was able to play along. The next session starts in April and I think we’ll be signing him up.

After music school we went to the grocery store. Adam got a new Blue’s Clues book. He is currently obsessed with Blue’s Clues. As soon as I get him out of his crib in the morning he asks for it. We have episodes on DVD, we have another book, and I made him a shirt with “a kah-loo” on it (he was wearing it during the great powdered sugar incident). I also print out coloring pages of Blue and her friends so that he can color them (coloring is another recent love of his). So when I saw this book at the grocery store I couldn’t pass it up. I let him look at it in the store (it kept him from throwing things out of the cart) and on the way home. Since then the book has mysteriously disappeared – I have a feeling it will be reappearing in somebaby’s Easter basket.

Naptime came after shopping and lunch – both Adam and mama needed naps. After a nice rest though, we were ready to head outside. It was gorgeous here today. After a walk around the neighborhood we came back and played in the driveway for a while. I moved the bottom part of his car so he could “drive” it himself, Flintstone-style. He did a pretty good job of getting the car to move – however he could only get it to go in reverse. He didn’t seem to mind and was very pleased with his new skill.

Removing the floorboard did cause some difficulties though.

Um, mama, do you think you could stop taking pictures and help me please?!

After that malfunction he decided he’d rather pushed the car himself.

He ended up finding a mud puddle to practice his dinosaur stomping in. He had a great time. I let him play for a while – pants, shoes, and babies are all washable. I will definitely be on the lookout for a pair of rain boots for him the next time I go to the store though.