Do you smell that?

Earlier today Adam was playing his xylophone with a maraca.  He certainly loves music (or maybe just noise).

Some other highlights of our day:

– One major meltdown after he finished his scrambled eggs (this was lunch today) and didn’t want to move on to his pears.  He only wanted more eggs.  Too bad kiddo – two eggs is enough for you. I finally got him to try the pears and then once he realized he liked them too he was happy again.

– One trip to “time out” after he bit my thumb. This he did not like at all.  When I sat him down and walked away he started calling for Daddy – sorry little man, he can’t help you.

– He gave me a concert with the microphone he got from my parents for Christmas. It plays music and he will get a song started and then “sing” in to it. He is quite the little rock star.

– We watched about 50 ducks (and no, I am not exaggerating here) in our neighbors back yard. The would waddle across the yard (generally single file – disproving the “ducks walk two by two” mindset that is so popular in my family) something would spook them and they’d all fly back in to the wooded area behind our house. Then they would get brave and start out again. I love showing him the different animals – three times in the past week we’ve had deer in our yard. One gave me a pretty good scare when it walked right by the kitchen window as I was doing dishes.

All in all, it was a pretty good day.

Oh – and for the record – he’s not mad in this picture.  He was watching the ducks and stopped to show me how he can sniff like a dinosaur. It’s pretty adorable.


So I’ve heard people talking before about pregnant ladies “nesting” – basically where they go nuts with cleaning and getting organized before the baby arrives. I think I’m in the middle of some crafty nesting and while I don’t deny that energy could be better spent if harnessed and focused on housework, I am enjoying it while it lasts.

Last night I cut the fabric (minus the borders) for a quilt for the new baby. Today I came across two new projects that I can’t wait to start. The quilt might have to wait a bit. The one I am most excited about involves matchbox cars and so I picked up six of them tonight while we were shopping.

It probably took me a lot longer than it should have to pick out six cars. I wanted them to be cool and each one to be a different color.  So we (and I’m using the “we” here very loosely, because since they are still in their packaging and I am way more excited about them than Adam), anyway, we got an orange 1970 Monte Carlo, a green convertible, a blue 1967 Mustang, a red 1972 Gran Torino, the Batmobile, and my personal favorite: a purple metallic 1967 Dodge Charger.  I would totally drive that car if I could.  I think it would look so cool with two carseats in the back and trunk full of groceries – don’t you agree?

Also, I’m debating on exchanging the Batmobile for a yellow car or truck – just to go with my bright color scheme. These are the decisions that keep me up at night. Not really, the 18 month old that has suddenly decided he’s nocturnal is what keeps me up at night. Okay, I think I will keep the Batmobile (because, hello, it’s the Batmobile) and pick up something in yellow the next time I’m shopping. For another 98 cents, it’s the best of both worlds.

So yeah, I’m pretty excited about this new project. I am actually going to go get started on it now so that it will be that much closer to sharing with you.  Oh – and Stacy – it’s way cooler than the pictures I showed you.

Two Heads are Better than One

This morning Adam brought me Mickey and Winnie-the-Pooh.  After he handed them to me he started to tug on the neckline of his pajamas. I had no idea what he wanted, but eventually figured it out.

He was so pleased when he finally got me to understand. Maybe he was trying to recreate this photo?