Great Day

Yesterday was awesome.  Adam and I had a really great day.  It started with this:

We were playing with the webcam on my computer while we waited for Dave to log on so we could chat. Adam likes to see himself on the screen and we were yelling during this picture.  (Fun side note: As I was writing this post, Adam was sitting on my lap.  When he saw this picture he started laughing and yelling again.)

He took an earlier than normal nap (which was very necessary, since he was up way too often the night before), and after he woke up we took a trip to the post office and then went to lunch at Friendly’s.

He was so good at lunch. He colored until the food came and then ate almost everything on his plate – there were a couple of  bites of mac-n-cheese left (he had that with a hotdog) and of course the pickles (because he is just like his mama and daddy in that respect, pickles = yuck).  It was the perfect belated Valentine’s lunch date.

We came home and played for a while. He likes to put a tambourine on my head and then giggles like crazy when I pretend to sneeze and it goes flying off. Then we had our pre-bedtime snuggle in the chair while watching cartoons (it’s a nice way to wind down before it’s time to sleep).  He went to bed right at eight with no complaints.

Pretty much a perfect day.