Showing Off a Little

So while this isn’t the big brainstorm craft idea I alluded to in a previous post, it’s close. That project is at a standstill until the fabric I ordered online gets here. It is similar though, so I made this to practice.

Here is Adam’s new car carrier. It took me less than 2 hours total – it’s pretty basic, but I really just wanted to get an idea of how it went together for a different project I have in mind.

(I used this tutorial by Homemade by Jill.)

That’s my car in the lower left – the purple metallic Dodge Charger. The finished size of this mat is roughly 16×9 inches. So it’s the perfect size to take to a restaurant to (hopefully) keep him entertained while we wait.

Basically the way it works is you fold it in half like this (you can see the fabric on the back – that fabric is 14 years old – left over from my senior year driver’s ed project).

Then you fold it in thirds and tie it closed with the attached shoelace. It folds up to about 5 square inches and is the perfect size to toss in my bag when we’re going out.

We have a birthday party to go to this weekend for a soon to be two year old boy and his recently turned four year old sister, so I decided to try another one tonight.  This time I used velcro to keep it closed – I figured that would be easier for little hands to manage.  I also added some numbers like they did in the tutorial, just to jazz it up a little. I sewed my numbers on, but I think I am going to try her painting technique on the other one I made – since I think the numbers are Adam’s favorite part.

Do me a favor and ignore the crooked velcro here – it was my first time using it. I definitely think velcro is the way to go in the future with these though.

I can’t wait to start on the next one. It involves dinosaurs, that’s all I have to say about that.