About two weeks ago we had our first trip to the ER with Adam. He had a fever, a bright red rash that started on his face and spread down his arm, and couldn’t keep anything down – which included the Tylenol we were giving him. Thankfully the doctor and nurse were able to get the fever under control and get some medicine in to him (he was still throwing up, so I’ll let you use your imagination as to just where that medicine went). We were only there for an hour or two. Once they got the medicine in to Adam (they also gave him something to help with nausea) and he was able to keep some formula down they let us go home.
Anyway, I took a bunch of pictures with my phone. I was bored and I do plan on doing a scrapbook page about this – even though it’s not in the “fond memories” category. I don’t have any pictures of when the nurse tried to give Adam some Tylenol and Motrin orally and he threw up all over Dave. I was too busy being thankful that for once it was on Dave and not me.