Should be worth about 6,000 words

I woke up with a migraine today and it hasn’t gone away completely away yet. My head does feel a little better than it did this morning. It helps that I’ve just been resting all day while Adam sits quietly and entertains himself with picture books and educational toys.


Actually Adam’s been busy all day having me put his socks on him (so he can take them off), beating up Dave’s old cell phone with a spatula, feeding me cheerios, handing me legos to put together (so he can take them apart), and playing with his maracas (which have mysteriously disappeared – at least until my head feels better).

We didn’t make it to the Y during the childcare hours this morning (I might try to go tonight if I’m feeling better), in fact only one of us has gotten out of their pajamas today (I’ll let you guess who that is). We did go to the Y yesterday though and Adam did okay. Miss Sharon said he whined and cried on and off, but didn’t get  hysterical like on Tuesday when they had to come and get me. When I came to pick him up yesterday he was the only child in the room and was surrounded by a two foot radius of toys and had two adults doting on him – you can see why that would be like torture to him.

Anyway, I have six cute Adam photos sitting on my desktop waiting to be inserted in to picture-less posts and I’m just going to add them all in here. Then I’m going to take some more 10,000 mg Ibuprofen and hopefully convince Adam to take his nap (he seems to be moving toward just a long afternoon nap, rather than one in the morning and one after lunch).

It’s a good thing Christmas is coming (99 shopping days left), because this is one child that is seriously hurting for toys.

Shake it!

Here he’s starting to climb into his cart. Dave is not a fan of Adam’s green pants. He says they look like something a little old lady would wear to bingo.

He was mid-throw during this picture.

And that’s pretty much what Adam looks like right now. I think I am going to join him.