Up and Adam

1. This week Adam has decided he prefers walking to crawling. He’s been walking all over the place and is actually pretty steady on his feet. I think he just needed to feel comfortable with his new skills – and now there’s no stopping him – except for when he falls.

2. My new laptop arrived yesterday. I think I am in love.

3. My new laptop has a webcam.

4. On Thursday Dave belched (is that more proper than saying burped?).

5. Last night we learned that Adam loves his Great Grandma Marie’s meatballs (smart boy) and this morning discovered he does not like cheese strudel (weirdo).

6. My new laptop has a webcam and you can take pictures with fun borders.

7. Did you think that is all I was going to say on #4? If that was newsworthy I’d be posting Dave belching updates several times per hour. The reason this event deserves mention on our website is that Adam heard it and immediately tried to copy Dave by mimicking the sound. It was cute and gross all at the same time.