Home Sweet Home

Well, I’m back from my trip to Seattle.  Did I even mention I was going to Seattle?  I left the 25th and got back late last night.  The trip was to celebrate the marriage of one of my very best friends.  It was one of the sweetest weddings I’ve ever been too.  It was held outdoors on a working goat farm, and there were cows and chickens in addition to the goats.  Sasquatch tried to ruin the day by stealing the rings, but the groom was able to tackle him (after a brief pursuit) and the ceremony proceeded without any other disruptions.

No, I’m not making any of this up – especially not the part where I said it was one of the sweetest weddings I’ve ever been too.  As much as I missed my boys, I am very glad I was able to make the trip and witness such a wonderful couple share their commitment to one another.  The Bigfoot sighting was just the icing on the cake.

Hot Dogs and Chocolate Milk

During our drive out to my parents’ house yesterday we stopped for lunch at Heid’s.  I know Grandpa Kurt in particular will be jealous of that meal.  Adam is still a bit too little for hot dogs – but we did sneak him some chocolate milk and he loved it.

He thought it was so funny that Dave was holding him up in the air that I couldn’t get him to look at me.  And I’m sure the other diners though it was a bit funny that we were taking his picture with the sign, but that’s okay with me.


I had a secret goal of posting to this site once a day for the whole month of August.  I was doing pretty well too. But I forgot to write something on Wednesday night and then last night my computer got a virus – fun right?  I trying to figure out how to fix it (without paying someone else to do it). When I turn on my laptop all I see is the wallpaper and curser – no icons, no start menu, no nothing.  The good news is that all of my files (photos, scrapbook pages and supplies, and documents) are still there and we should be able to, at the very least, save that information.  My preliminary internet research has found other people that have had the same problem, but none of their fixes are working for me – so I’ll just keep trying.

So anyway, that’s where things stand with us.  In much more exciting news than computer viruses, we closed on the sale of our house in Virginia today.  Dave got to meet the new owner and she told him that one of the main things that drew her to the house – the paint colors.  Ha!  Nice.  Anyway, I’m going to go do some more digging around and see if I can find a solution to this stupid virus.

Adam 7-tooth

We’re pretty sure that Adam is getting another tooth. It’s not really a surprise. He’s been Adam 7-tooth for over a month now.

I don’t see any signs of the 8th tooth when I look inside his mouth, but he’s certainly acting like there is another pearly white about to make an appearance. He’s cranky, moody, and biting. I am not at all thrilled with the biting, the cranky and moody I can deal with, the biting hurts. He drew blood today and I have a purple bruise the size of a quarter from yesterday. He got Dave pretty good tonight too. So if it is a tooth, let’s hope it comes in soon.

If you look in the sidebar I’ve started adding scrapbook pages to the website. I’m really far behind – maybe this will help me to get some more pages done – you know, in between the Adam wrangling and unpacking.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

I was in the bedroom earlier and Adam crawled down the hall to the kitchen.  He’s allowed to play with the items in the Lazy Susan (it’s full of tupperware and his bottles/cups/bowls).  He wasn’t in there long before I heard him coming back down the hall.  It sounded a lot like he was dragging something with him.

That is how he reentered the bedroom.  He took two of his bowls out of the cupboard, flipped them upside down and used them to slide across the floor.  So this meant he only had to move his legs while he was crawling.  I’m telling you, this kid is too clever for his (and my) own good.  I grabbed my camera, moved him (and the bowls) into the hallway and he did it again.  The funniest thing is that those two dishes are the only things he removed from the Lazy Susan.

As I was writing this I started to think about the origin of the term “Lazy Susan”.  I know if my name was Susan I’d be pretty ticked off from being referred to as lazy all the time.  So I did a little research (very little, I basically typed “history of the Lazy Susan” in to google) and this is what I found:

Official Name

  • Before the early 1900s, the Lazy Susan had no official name. The name Lazy Susan was first used in a Vanity Fair advertisement in 1917. The ad referred to the item as a “Revolving Server or Lazy Susan.”
  • Why Susan?

  • Lazy Susan was a name used for the food-serving device well before being officially named in 1917. The exact origins of the name Susan are unclear. One belief is the name derives from servants in the 1700s. Servants in the 1700s were called Susans. Women’s right pioneer Susan B. Anthony is another possible origin. Anthony detractors often referred to her as lazy and her writings as “Lazy Susans.”
  • See if you can figure out which part I found especially amusing…

    Other Names

  • Before 1917, a Lazy Susan was often called a dumbwaiter. Now, dumbwaiters refer to small elevators that carry food from floor to floor. A Lazy Susan can also be referred to as a “Crazy Adams.”
  • Dining Room, Living Room, and Entrance

    Here are some before and after photos for the Dining Room, Living Room, and Entrance to the house.  The Dining Room and Living Room are really just one big area.

    Basically new paint (walls and ceiling), hardwood floors, and new light fixtures/fans.  We did keep the curtains from the before pictures – they just weren’t up during the after shots.  We also got rid of the little swinging gate that was attached to the banister going down the stairs.

    I’m second guessing that decision now that somebody decided today would be a good day to teach Adam how to go down stairs.  Thanks Dave.

    I think we might need to invest in a second baby gate.

    An Apology of Sorts

    Dear New Neighbors,

    You can thank my father-in-law for installing the mini-blinds.  Sorry if you had your retinas burned because you accidentally caught a glimpse of anything before that happened.




    (Because Dave complained that the last post didn’t include a picture)

    Something I Want to Remember

    The restaurant we had dinner at tonight had live music – a piano player and a lady that sang.  Adam was so funny.  He loved every minute of it.  He danced to some songs, sat quietly on my (or Grandma Cathy’s) lap and just stared at the singer for others, and clapped at the end of them all.  It was adorable.  As we were leaving we stopped to thank the singer and she commented that it was easy to see Adam really loved music.  She’s 100% right on that count.

    He has a little “CD player” he got for his birthday and he will push the buttons until it plays his favorite songs (currently the ABC song and 1-2, Buckle Your Shoe).  It’s funny because if any other song comes on he’ll press the buttons again until it plays one he wants to hear.

    I hope his love for music continues as he gets older.

    I also hope he doesn’t want to be a drummer.

    Download Complete

    Apparently somebaby thinks that “laptop” means his lap should be on top of the computer.  He crawled over to my computer, closed it, and then climbed on up.  I guess that extra inch of height is just perfect for watching his dinosaur cartoon.

    In an unrelated note, this picture makes me want to gnaw on his belly.

    In another unrelated note, his curls are out of control.  Dave claims he needs a haircut.  I disagree.

    Mommy Wins

    Earlier today my awesome father-in-law painted our three bathrooms.  Yesterday he hung up the blinds and curtains in our living and dining room and painted the ceilings in those three bathrooms.  Out of all of the most recent home improvements though, this is easily my favorite.

    Adam is not as impressed by it.