Driving Along in his Automobile

This was our big gift to Adam for his first birthday.  Dave put it together last night and the little man absolutely loves it.

The pole in the back has a handle so that we can push the car while he “drives”.  It’s a pretty neat little car – the gas cap comes off, the door opens, it even has a radio, turn signals, and a horn.

I am betting we’ll be putting a lot of miles on this thing.  He didn’t want to get out of it last night.

Happy Birthday Adam – don’t expect the same treatment when you turn 16.

We prayed for this child and the Lord has granted us what we asked of Him. (1 Samuel 1:27)

Dear Adam,

It took me forever to decide what I wanted to do after high school.   I knew I’d be going to college, but had no idea what to major in.  I thought about being a math teacher, a veterinarian, a journalist, a nurse…  I considered just about every profession out there and nothing seemed to fit.  The only thing I knew for certain that I wanted to be when I grew up was a mom.

I’ve always known I wanted to have children someday.  It was never a question for me.  When I found out I was pregnant with you I prayed each day for a healthy and happy baby.  That was all I asked for.  It didn’t matter if you were a boy or a girl, or what color your hair or eyes were.  I just wanted a healthy, happy child.  Those prayers must have been heard, because I got exactly what I ordered.

You are by far the happiest baby I’ve ever met.  That’s not just a proud parent bragging either, everyone that sees you has the same opinion.  I have had so many different people (friends, relatives, strangers) comment on what a happy baby you are.  A lot of time they ask if you’re always in such a good mood and truthfully you really are.  Your daddy and I have been so blessed by you.

I only have one complaint – you’re growing too darn fast.  It seems like every time I turn around you’re learning something new or passing another milestone.  It doesn’t seem possible to me that you’re turning a year old today.  The past 365 days have gone so quickly.  Yet at the same time, it feels like you’ve always been here.  So while part of me is thinking, “I can’t believe my baby is one”, there’s another part that can’t believe it’s only been a year since we first met you.

And so here we are on your very first birthday, and I find myself thanking you for the gift you have given me.  You made me a mommy, and that is by far the most amazing present I have ever received.  I am so honored that I get to parent such an incredible little boy.  Being your mother is easily the best thing I have ever done.

Happy Birthday Adam.  Thank you, not only for being you, but also for making me, me.  I love you so much more than I will ever be able to express with words.

