Busy Baby

Adam has been practicing walking with his new shopping cart.  It was supposed to be a birthday present (I got it on super-clearance after Christmas, but I couldn’t wait – I am actually surprised I was able to hold off as long as I did).  He really likes it.  It plays music and came with some groceries – which the little dude loves to throw out of the cart (just like he does in the real grocery store).

And yes, I bought the Huggies jean diapers.  They were the same price as the normal ones – but more adorable.

Father’s Day (in Pictures)

Adam was pretty excited about giving Dave his first Father’s Day present.

 The lucky dad got the book “Hop on Pop” and some Sears giftcards (to be used towards the purchase of a miter saw once we’re settled in to the new house).  The lucky little dude had the book read to him right away.  He’s a big fan of books.

 And of course the day wouldn’t have been complete without a Father’s Day nap.  I don’t know whose idea it was for them to hold hands – but it was pretty freaking adorable.