You sunk my battleship

Today we visited Adventure Aquarium and the Camden Children’s Garden.  The little dude loved the fish.  I think he would have sat and watched (and tried to grab them through the glass) all day.  We were planning on visiting the Battleship New Jersey this afternoon too, but sort of ran out of steam.   We did walk down and admire it from the shore, but since battleships aren’t really stroller friendly and Adam was fast asleep in his, we decided to pass on touring it.

Dave reclined the stroller and he immediately turned over on to his belly and went right to sleep.  It’s exhausting being so cute all the time.

A Beary Good Time

This past Saturday Dave played in a golf tournament in Pennsylvania.  Adam and I went up with him and passed our time going out to breakfast, shopping, and napping.  It was a good day.  Sunday we visited the Boyd’s Bear Factory.  Once we got there (there was a small problem with the GPS not realizing there was a bridge out), we had a great time.

Dave and Adam found the biggest stuffed penguin I’ve ever seen (and no, the penguin did not come home with us – Adam did get a 25 inch stuffed pig though because it was on super clearance and his Daddy couldn’t resist…he may have also gotten a duck that rattles, a maraca, and a squishy baseball….he’s very spoiled loved).

They had the cutest rocking bear there.  So of course we had to let Adam give it a try.

He wasn’t sure what to do at first.  But when I told him to “rock, rock” (he does know what that means thanks to our rocking chair), he figured it out pretty quickly.

Here he’s deep in thought – note the tongue sticking out while he concentrates on getting the bear to rock.  It wasn’t easy, especially since his little legs are about 6 inches too short.

He’s definitely got the hang of it now!  We had to pull him off of the rocking bear after he got a little too comfortable and tried to ride it rodeo style with one hand in the air.

Here’s Adam in a basket of giraffes.  We had to end this game pretty quickly – he kept trying to eat all of the tags.  Baby slobber makes bar codes difficult to scan.

As we were leaving we came across this huge teddy bear.  He was all photo’d out though and wouldn’t pose with the bear for us.  It was just luck we were able to get this picture.  As soon as we’d walk away he was on the move.  Taking ridiculous adorable pictures of the little dude was a lot easier before he learned how to crawl.

We live on front porches

Here are some of the pictures from yesterday’s trip to the playground.  This was actually the second trip that day for Adam and me.  At first he wasn’t too sure of being in the swing.

It didn’t take long for him to decide it was fun.

We ended up turning him around to see if that would help with the pictures.  The sun was not cooperating.

This next picture cracks me up.  Lately whenever Adam hears anyone say “yay” he claps his hands.  So that’s what he was trying to do here.

We’ve already made one trip back to the playground today – it’s nice having it so close.  We went over right before lunch and there were a ton of people there.  He would have sat and watched the older kids all day if I’d let him.  He was very interested in how the boy next to him was able to swing so high without his mommy pushing him.

Love this.

A couple of days ago a friend of mine commented on a different photo of Dave and Adam saying, “Somebody looks like he’s really enjoying being a daddy! (And somebody looks like he really enjoys being with daddy.)”.

She was 100% right – on both counts.

These photos are from earlier tonight after we took Adam to the playground near our house so he could spend some time on the swings – more pictures of that to come (hopefully tomorrow).

A little too quiet…

Normally I try to get my shower in when Adam’s taking his morning nap.  However, yesterday it was more important that I nap when he did (for both our sakes) and so the poor kid was stuck in the bathroom while I showered.  Usually he’s okay for a couple of minutes and then starts to cry.  This time though there were no tears.  I was thrilled that I was able to relax in the shower – without listening to the melodic sounds of Adam yelling.

And then I saw what had kept him so captivated….

Let me tell you, using re-rolled TP for the next week in exchange for a nice, quiet shower – totally worth it.

And some pictures from this past weekend

I think we might need a bigger wagon….

Here Adam’s trying to figure out why he can’t make the wagon go when he’s holding the handle.

I did have him get out of the wagon and put the bear in it in an attempt to show him how it worked.  I even let him try to pull the wagon.  It didn’t work.  He just picked up the bear and threw it, then tried to climb back in himself.

Here’s one last one of my happy boys in their (sort of) matching polo shirts.  As a disclaimer I would like to point out that I only dressed one of them.  Once Dave saw what Adam was wearing he decided he needed to wear his bright orange shirt too.  They did look pretty cute.

Sorry about the the little dude’s blurry hands.  He was moving around too much for my poor cell phone to keep up.  The sad thing is I did have my camera in my purse (where it always is), yet still used the much lesser quality phone.  Actually all of these pictures were from my phone – I think I need to make myself use the actual camera more often.

Some pictures from today

Because Dave worked  a night shift last night he was able to stay home with Adam and I today.  We really need to figure out a way for him to do that every day, and still do things like pay the mortgage and buy groceries.

This might be my new favorite picture of my boys.  I told Adam to give Daddy a kiss and he was more than happy oblige, with a big sloppy one.

Here’s another one of the two of them.  The little dude certainly loves his daddy.

Since Dave was home today I was able to get a little crafting done while he entertained Adam.  I took a plain white onesie and turned it into this:

Because you know he doesn’t have enough dinosaur apparel.

9 Firsts

Last week while we were in New York looking for a new house Adam got to do a bunch of new things.  I’ve complied a list (and pictures) of 9 of them.  I am sure I could come up with 10 (and probably more than 10) if I really put my mind to it, but I don’t want to and you can’t make me.

1. He saw (and tried to eat) dandelions for the first time.  He learned pretty quickly that one good yank would pull them right up.  Unfortunately he left the roots, which means they’ll just come back.  We’ll work on his weeding techniques as he gets older.

2. During lunch one day Dave gave him a lemon.  He made the funniest face when he tasted it – and then put it right back in his mouth again.  This continued until he sat on the lemon.

3. We had some time to kill one day before meeting with our realtor and Grandpa Kurt suggested we visit the Fish Hatchery.  It was pretty neat and Adam did really like looking at the fish.  I’m sure we’ll be going back once we’re living in that area.  I wonder if we can convince him it’s SeaWorld and save some cash on vacations?  Shamu the Killer Brook Trout…it could work…

4. Adam also got to drive Dave’s truck for the first time.  Okay, he didn’t really do any actual driving.  He couldn’t get his feet to reach the pedals and see out the windshield at the same time.  But this picture is cute, so I’m posting it.

5. The little dude also got to go to the library for the first time – it definitely won’t be the last.  He loved the toys they had and all the new books.  It was really warm out and we’d had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction which is why he’s in just a diaper.

6. We also took him to the race track for the first time.  We didn’t let him bet (he didn’t have any money on him) but he loved watching the horses and looking at all of the people.  He even got one of the jockeys to wave back to him.

7. His first ride on a merry-go-round.  He wasn’t sure what to think about that.  Dave wasn’t able to sit with him (he was told only 1 person per horse right after this picture was taken).

8. After his ride on the carousal  we took the little guy to his first baseball game (not counting Daddy’s softball games).  He absolutely loved it.  The stadium was packed and he had a great time root, root, rooting for the home team.  He did a pretty good job of yelling and clapping at the appropriate times too (basically whenever everyone else did).

9. This one is my favorite.  The picture is from Adam’s (and my) first Mother’s Day.  I am so blessed to be able to celebrate this day as a Mommy.  It’s not something I take lightly, I know how lucky I am.  And to be parenting such an amazing little boy?  It really doesn’t get any better than that.

Home Sweet Home

Just a quick post so that I can keep this year’s resolution. We’ve spent the last week househunting for a home in New York. Our search was successful and we now have a contract in place for a wonderful place. It has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, and an awesome family room for us all to hang out in. It’s just five minutes from where Dave will be working and has a great yard for Adam to run around in (once he figures out the whole walking thing). Now we just need to get our house in VA sold – keep your fingers crossed for us!