Tales of the Two Foot Terror

So far today Adam has learned how to climb stairs, figured out how to open his wipes (and removed 3 of them before I could get the box away from him), and tipped over a garbage can.

He’s a very busy boy.  We also took a nice long walk to the grocery store (it’s 71 degrees here today!).

The fresh air really tired him out.  He fell asleep when we were halfway to the store and didn’t wake up until we were home and I stopped pushing the stroller.

Of course now that he’s awake he’s full of energy.  He just crawled over to me, used the couch to stand up, and bit my toe.  I’m so glad he only has one tooth.

Like a Weed

I finally got around to adding the Bear in the Chair Pictures from the last two months to the rest of them.  I can’t get over the difference between one week and now.  His hair has lightened up so much.  The worst part is that it’s almost time to take his 8 month picture – I’m still trying to figure out how it’s possible for time to go so quickly!

As far as recent Adam developments go, last weekend he started giving me kisses when I ask for them (and sometimes when I don’t).  His kisses are open mouthed, slobbery, and fantastic.  And then yesterday he climbed his first step.  When you’re on our first floor there is a step (and landing) you have to go up to get out of the house.  When I was unloading groceries I had Adam sitting in the living room and he decided to climb that step and meet me at the front door.  He did not offer to carry in any groceries for me – we’re going to work on that.

If you’re lucky enough to be Irish, then you’re lucky enough!!

That’s the best picture I could get today of our little guy in his St. Patrick’s Day duds.  He’s been in a pretty miserable mood most of the day (could it be because he didn’t go to bed until midnight last night?  I know that made his mother pretty cranky).  He is currently napping on the couch with Dave, hopefully he wakes up in better spirits (teething is fun!!).    Crankiness on St. Patrick’s Day should be outlawed!  He should be joyfully celebrating his Irish heritage today (and for the record he gets that from me – monkey toes from Daddy and Irishness from Mommy).  He is pretty much a mutt though – Irish, a bunch of German, some Swedish, a bit of Polish, and a little Italian too.

Oh, and here’s a little Irish lesson for those of you not lucky enough to trace your roots back to the Emerald Isle (though Dave assures me everyone is Irish today).  If you want to shorten up the name of the day, it’s St. Paddy’s Day, not St. Patty’s Day.  Patty is feminine, Paddy is masculine.  So there you go, you learned something new and got to see a picture of a really cute baby.  I think that makes for a pretty darn good day.

I think I deserve a nap too!

You’ve Got to Stand for Something

Here’s our little big guy, surrounded by toys, and only wanting to play with the pile of DVDs on the entertainment center.  He managed to pull them all down and had moved on to the figurines and photos when I decided it might be time to put the camera down and work on stopping Hurricane Adam.

He’ll pull himself up and then use whatever he’s holding to walk until he gets to the end and then gets really mad when he can’t walk any further.  I think he forgets that he’s able to crawl.

Here’s the best picture I’ve been able to get of his tooth – see it there in the middle of his bottom gum?

He’s a cute one, that’s for sure.

Sleep is for pansies.

Conversation overheard between Dave and Adam…

Dave: Let me phrase it in an SAT-style question:

All Adams sleep in cribs. You are an Adam.

Given the above information where should you sleep?

a.) On the couch.

b.) On Daddy.

c.) In a crib.

d.) None of the above.

Adam: Screeeeech! (I translate this to mean he picks “d”).

And yes, that photo was midscreech.  He is currently treating Dave as his personal jungle gym and crawling all over him and the couch.  I think someone mixed some caffeine pills in with his pears.  It’s going to be a long night.

Maybe I’ll sleep in the crib.

In other fun news, earlier I used a red marker to draw an “X” on Dave’s leg – you should see Adam try to grab it.  It’s pretty cute.

We have a visual

For the past couple of nights Adam has been sleeping horribly.  He’s been waking up a lot and when he finally does get to sleep he’s been really restless.  I think this was due to his tooth making it’s final surge through the gum-line.  That’s right – as of yesterday we confirmed the appearance of Adam’s first tooth.  I was a little unsure of what date is the actual date to use (for baby book purposes – please tell me I’m not the only one that obsesses about this type of thing).  I mean, should it be when the tooth first breaks the surface? Or when it’s through all the way?

In the end we decided to go with when the tooth was first able to inflect pain on someone other than its owner (those little suckers are sharp!).  So that means that March 7th was the date for the record book.  He chomped down on Dave pretty good yesterday (that’s my boy).

New Digs

So one of the things that has been on my to-do list for the past couple of months is to update the look of this website.  I finally got around to that today and while I’m not totally thrilled with this layout, it will do for now.  The one thing I don’t like is that commenting is not intuitive.  You have to click on the title of the post to go to a different screen if you want to comment.  But still, it’s a start.

You say you want a resolution

So far I’ve kept up with my resolution to post here at least once a week – gold star for me.  I can’t believe it is March already.  February was so full of new things for the little dude, I can’t wait to see what he does next.  In addition to the crawling, standing, and tongue sticking outing, he has decided he needs teeth.  I’m not sure I’m 100% on board with this decision.  So far it seems like it’s been nothing but tears and pain – and I’m sure it’s not easy on Adam either.  He doesn’t have any visible pearly whites yet, but I can feel the bump where one is trying to push through.  Based on the fact that he flips out when I try to touch it, I’m pretty sure he can feel it too.

Earlier today Adam was starting to fall asleep and I decided to put him in his crib for a nap (now that he’s standing the bassinet is out).  He cried a little when I set him down, but after a couple of minutes the noise stopped and I thought that he was sleeping.  I crept upstairs to check on him and this is what I found:

He looks pretty pleased with himself, doesn’t he?  Score: Adam 1, Mommy 0.