More Milestones

Adam has started sticking out his tongue when he’s concentrating.  It is the funniest thing and I’ve made it my mission to get a picture of it.  And apparently crawling isn’t enough for him, he’s been using whatever he can to pull himself up into a standing position.  He will grab on to the couch, his toys, my hair, whatever he can reach.  He’s such a determined little dude.

He’s also enamored with the lady on the NutriSystem commercials – no joke.  Whenever Amy comes on he will stop what he is doing and watch her.  He even smiles at her!  The little brat.  I’ll try to distract him and get him to look at me and he won’t have anything to do with me.  I’m not too jealous though, he does the same thing with Elmo.

Yeah, I’m a sap

Confession: The P&G Commercial that they’ve been playing during the Olympics, the one that shows the athletes as children and ends with something like, “to their moms, they’ll always be little kids”, makes my eyes tear up every time I see it.  Every time.

Little Big Boy

About two weeks ago we saw Adam roll from back to front for the first time.  I think he’s been able to do it for a little while now, but this was the first confirmed sighting.  Then just Thursday night at Great Grandma Elsa’s house he started scooting himself around in a crawling position.  She has a longer carpet and he was grabbing it and using it to pull himself around.  We bribed him by putting a Reader’s Digest just out of his reach.  I know, I know, my kid’s weird.  Some babies would work on getting to a toy, or snack, or their mommy – my boy wanted the Reader’s Digest.  I think he likes the cute little funny stories – either that or wanted to stuff the glossy pages in his mouth.

Anyway, it seems like that was the push he needed to figure out the whole crawling thing.  He is getting better and better at it each day.  I guess his Daddy and I need to go pick up a baby gate or two – three story townhouses are not the safest for mobile babies.  Good thing we have a new truck so we can get those gates home from the store.

Yep, that’s our other news – Dave’s small little, slightly impractical, two-seat sports car was traded in on Tuesday for a  new crew cab Chevy Silverado.  It’s blue and it’s pretty!!  Um, I mean manly, yeah, it’s pretty manly.  I tried to convince Dave that I should get the truck and he should take my car….it didn’t work.

And just because every post is better with a picture – here’s one of the little dude eating carrots – another first for this past week and he absolutely loves them.

An Apology

I’m sorry that instead of dimples you inherited your father’s fair complexion (I see a lot of sunscreen in your future), sweaty feet, and weird hairline.  Most of all I’d like to apologize for the fact that you got your dad’s ridiculously long monkey toes.

You did get my cute nose, so there’s a silver lining for you right?  And monkey toes or not, you are still the most adorable baby in the world.

6 Months

This past Sunday was the little dude’s very first half-birthday.  I am still having a hard time believing he has been around for that long.

We had his six month check-up this past week.  He weighs 17 lbs 1 ounce and is 26 inches long.  The doctor mentioned that based on my and Dave’s heights they’d like him to be a little taller (he’s in a lower percentile).  I hate the talk about percentiles.  My boy is healthy, happy, and will grow at his own speed.

I don’t know what they want me to do about it anyway.  Dave suggested hanging him upside down by his feet and letting his gigantic melon stretch him out.  I vetoed it.  And for the record, my baby’s head isn’t that big.  It’s just perfect.  Dave has a child-sized head though – so his perspective is skewed.  I’m not kidding about the child-sized head either.  When he goes to the batting cages they make him wear the kid’s helmets because the adult ones are too big.

The doctor also told us to go ahead and start Adam on solid foods (or at least really mushy foods that may be available in solid forms for those of us with teeth).  So tonight he got his first taste of rice cereal.  He took to it right away and even tried to “help” by holding the spoon – which just resulted in more cereal on his face and less in his mouth.  He also spent a fair amount of time trying to eat the bib (first time wearing one of those).

We’ll stick with the rice cereal for a couple more weeks and then introduce the vegetables.  Lucky Adam!  I think we’ll start with carrots.  According to my grandpa they’re good for the eyes – you’ve never seen a rabbit wearing glasses have you?



I’ve finished 3 scrapbook pages since Adam was born.


I have four or five more pages started but not finished.  I’m hoping that the completion this page (that I started last night and just finished during Adam’s afternoon nap) means my mojo has returned.

Pumpkin Patch

“It wouldn’t be fall without a trip to a pumpkin patch. This one, called Cows-n-Corn, was on a working dairy farm. We had a great time showing Adam the animals and walking around in the cornfield maze. And while we didn’t end up getting a pumpkin here (they were a bit smaller than we had in mind), we did take plenty of fun pictures. My favorite is the one of the three of us, even though our little pumpkin was fast asleep.”