I’ve been extremely negligent at updating this site. I keep thinking about how much catching up I have to do and avoiding it. But yesterday was our 3rd Anniversary and I think that deserves a post (we’ll ignore the fact that Adam hasn’t gotten any blog time yet and he definitely deserves it).
Speaking of our little dude, he had his 2 month doctor’s visit yesterday. I can’t believe how big he’s getting. According to the doc he’s in the 50th percentile for his length, weight, and head size. He’s 23 inches long, weighs 11 pounds 11 ounces, and his melon is 40 cm around. That’s our little mister average.
Yesterday’s trip also included four immunizations – three of them were in shot form. Adam was not impressed. He’s been a little under the weather since then. He’s got a slight fever and has been sleeping a lot more than normal. Hopefully by this weekend he’ll be back to his normal happy self. Right now he and Dave are snuggling on the couch next to me. I am so in love with our little family.
That picture is a month old. I can’t believe how much bigger the little guy is now. He just gets cuter and cuter every day. About three weeks ago he started smiling and it’s the best thing ever. I love seeing his big, gummy grin. Dave and I are truly blessed to get to parent this adorable, sweet boy.
Oh, and Happy Anniversary (a day late) Dave. ♥♥♥ I love you.