I apologize for not posting this sooner, I know a lot of people back home are concerned about our safety. I didn’t get back from work last night until after midnight. Dave and I got a quick bite to eat and then went to bed. It wasn’t until we got up this morning and turned on the news that we realized how terrible the situation in Mumbai is.
We are over in New Delhi and are 700 miles away from Mumbai.
The hotel here has increased security. Each vehicle enters through a gate and is checked inside and out before being allowed to drive the front of the hotel. Guests coming in the hotel have their bags checked and pass through a metal detector.
We are currently going to be visiting Agra (to see the Taj Mahal) this weekend, but that is all the travel we have planned. Dave is flying home on the 4th of December, and I am supposed to be going to Hyderabad on the 8th or 9th. I will keep you posted.