Still fine.

Yesterday was our great Taj Mahal adventure – it was amazing!

We saw camels, monkeys, elephants, and even almost got into a car accident thanks to a wandering cow.

The Taj was really awesome though. We took tons of pictures and I’ll post them, with the full story later. We have some more sight seeing to do today – I just wanted to check in 🙂

Some answers…

Will you find turkey there?

    One of the ladies I have been working with here (actually I am working with her and her husband) invited us to celebrate Thanksgiving with her family. So we had the traditional turkey, gravy, stuffing, and mashed potatoes dinner. There was even cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie cheesecake – yum.

    There was an accordian too, which is a whole story in itself. I think we can safely cross Accordian Player off of Dave’s possible future career choices.

Do you get updates on travel conditions?

    I do get updates through work on travel conditions and advisories. We are actually waiting right now to hear if we will be allowed to go to Agra this weekend and visit the Taj Mahal. It would be disappointing if we weren’t able to go. However, we’re not stupid (at least not most of the time) and if my work tells us not to travel, then we won’t go.

How many of you will be travelling together?

    Right now I am with Dave and two other people from work. One of my teammates is leaving for Hyderabad on Sunday. Dave is leaving for home on December 4th. This will leave two of us in New Delhi. When our time here is up, my coworker will return to the US and I’ll go on to Hyderabad to meet three other guys I work with.

    We all leave Hyderabad after our last day of work and we all have different routes home. I am currently scheduled to meet one the guys in Frankfurt and have the last leg of my flight home with him. I’m not sure if that will all stay the same though. I wasn’t planning on going to Hyderabad – I just found that out on Wednesday, so I am working on getting my flights changed now.

Is anybody concerned for your safety (besides all of us at home)?

    Yes. If anything like what just happened (and is still happening) in Mumbai occured here, we would be evacuated and sent home. We have daily contact with our boss back home, and have people at work here that are looking after us.

    I know it’s difficult not to worry, but we really are very safe. We definitely had a lot to be thankful for yesterday.

I’d also like to take a minute to mention From here you can view travel alerts and warnings. You can also register with the State Department before any international travel by clicking on the Registration with Embassies link.

Registration at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate (in the country you are visiting) makes your presence and whereabouts known, in case it is necessary for a consular officer to contact you in an emergency. During a disaster overseas, American consular officers can assist in evacuation were that to become necessary. They cannot assist you if they do not know where you are.

(Yes, I took that last paragraph directly from the State Department’s Website, and yes, Dave and I register through that site before any international travel.)

We’re fine.

I apologize for not posting this sooner, I know a lot of people back home are concerned about our safety. I didn’t get back from work last night until after midnight. Dave and I got a quick bite to eat and then went to bed. It wasn’t until we got up this morning and turned on the news that we realized how terrible the situation in Mumbai is.

We are over in New Delhi and are 700 miles away from Mumbai.

The hotel here has increased security. Each vehicle enters through a gate and is checked inside and out before being allowed to drive the front of the hotel. Guests coming in the hotel have their bags checked and pass through a metal detector.

We are currently going to be visiting Agra (to see the Taj Mahal) this weekend, but that is all the travel we have planned. Dave is flying home on the 4th of December, and I am supposed to be going to Hyderabad on the 8th or 9th. I will keep you posted.

Who needs a Minivan?

Did you know, if things continue according to the current schedule.

In 2008 Dave and I will have spent 141 nights apart (38.5% of the time).

And I will have spent 160 nights not in my own bed (43.7% of the time).

However, we’re seeing more of each other than we did in 2007, so I can’t complain….too much.

Yesterday we actually went out and saw something other than our hotel. We went to Old Delhi, and the Red Fort. I got stared at – a lot. It was really strange and made me a bit uncomfortable. I also had two random guys ask if they could have their picture taken with me.

I found out today at work from one of the Americans here that it was most likely because of the blond highlights in my hair. I wish I had known that was the reason yesterday though, so I could have told them they’re not natural. Then maybe I wouldn’t end up on some Indian dudes’ MySpace pages.

There’s also a chance that the dudes will bring the photo in to try to get a visa to the US, showing it as proof of them with their very good American friend.


This is why I tell people I’m Canadian. And I always say, “I’m Canadian, eh”, when I say it – just so they don’t question me. And if they do question me, I’m from Toronto and work for a company that does Port-a-John rentals.

The Fort was cool though. I think I am going to take Dave back there on Thursday/Thanksgiving.

We went to a government run market after the fort. It was nice because people don’t hound you to buy things. The prices are fair too, so if you don’t want to bargain with them you don’t have to. I am definitely going back.

I was not in a shopping mood Sunday and so the only thing I bought was a little musical instrument thing for like $2, I don’t know what I’ll do with it – it’s cute though. If I end up giving it to one of you as a souvenir, pretend I didn’t just tell you it was only $2.

Also, I apparently did not get the memo on nose piercing, and pierced my nose on the wrong side. Everyone here (minus one American from CA that I met at the Fort) has the left side done. According to my internet research, the left side of the body is said to be tied to the reproductive organs. So they pierce the left side because it is supposed to ease child birth. When I get pregnant I am putting like 8 or 9 holes in the left side of my nose.

I had two goals set for this trip:

1 – Go to the Taj Mahal

2 – See 5 people on a motorcycle

I can cross number 2 off of the list, I saw not one, but two motorcycles with 5 passengers. It’s insane!! Granted three of the riders were kids – but still 5 people!! I don’t know if I should up the ante and shoot for 6 – that seems to be pushing it. In case you are concerned with safety, don’t worry, the men on both bikes were wearing helmets. The women ride sidesaddle, which would scare the crap out of me. (#5 is sitting on his mom’s lap – in case you didn’t see him right away – you can just see his head above her purse.)


Hopefully this Saturday we’ll be making the trip to see the Taj and I’ll be able to put a big ole [DONE] stamp on that as well.

1 Day Down, 42 to Go!

I’m here – exhausted – but here.

The flight over was uneventful (which is a good thing).  The only real annoyance was the dude who sat next to me on the first leg of the trip.  He was completely engrossed in his blackberry and was typing on it most of the flight.  So engrossed in fact that he couldn’t even take the time to cover his mouth when he coughed.  Gross.  Thanks buddy – just the way I like to start my trips – with the plague.

The hotel is nice, I’ll share pictures (some time when I am not exhausted) of the two items in the room that tried to kill me and my square bath tub (it’s cute!).

I’m extremely tired right now. It’s an 10.5 hour time difference from back home and me and jet lag don’t get along.  I am trying to make myself stay awake until at least 9 (it’s 8:37) right now.  We have tomorrow off (Happy Veterans Day) so I can sleep in tomorrow (woo hoo!).

Apparently I really like parenthesis (maybe it’s just because I’m so tired?).

One quick story before I crash (in the figurative sense, not literally like you’ll hear in a minute).

The traffic here is insane.  Driving in last night I saw cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, horses, and auto rickshaws (basically the same thing as the tuk-tuks we saw in Bangkok) and pedestrians all “sharing” the road.

The lines on the road are treated as suggestions, head and taillights appear to be optional, and you aren’t cool unless you beep your horn at least once every 40 seconds.  This morning on our way in to work our taxi and another car hit each other.  We weren’t going fast and no one was hurt.  Our driver and the driver of the other car got out of their vehicles, yelled at each other for a while, decided everything was okay, and we went on our way.  Oh, and we got honked at – a lot.

Here’s a picture I found online – but trust me, it’s an accurate representation.  I would take my own picture for you but I can’t work the camera and hold on for dear life at the same time.  What the picture doesn’t show is the roundabouts and people cutting across three lanes of traffic (on a two lane road) to get to them.  It also doesn’t accurately convey the “floor it and then slam on the brakes” mentality of many drivers and exactly how close these vehicles get to each other.  It’s scary.

Those things with the yellow tops are the three-wheeled death traps auto rickshaws and no Dave, we are not riding in one when you get here.

Okay, I’m done for the night.  I’ve had about all the excitement I can handle for one day.

Oh, and in case you don’t want to do the math (10.5 hours is a pain to convert), the time here is currently:

Edited: I first wrote that it was an 11.5 hour time difference. Apparently my math skills failed me though, since it’s really 10.5 hours. I’m blaming it on the jet lag.

Roller Coaster Oohh Oohh Oohh (sing it with me! or don’t – your call)

While in Williamsburg we also spent a day at Busch Gardens.  It was mucho fun.

As soon as we got there we went to check out the Clydesdales.  This guy was not impressed by my photography.  I am convinced he stuck his tongue out on purpose.

After the horses it was time for the first roller coaster of the day.  This bad boy:

I decided to take one for the team and stay behind and watch everyone’s stuff.  At least that was my excuse – roller coasters aren’t really my cup of tea.

If we would have brought our boat we could have parked it here.

Oh wait, the correct terminology is “docked” right?

I don’t know, we don’t have a boat.

This bit of fun was outside one of the roller coasters.  Dave’s pretty good about sticking his head in these things and letting me take pictures.

So are Rob and Stacy. I love the look on Rob’s face – that boy cracks me up.

Steven didn’t go for the skier picture.  He preferred to hang out at the rescue station.  That alcohol is purely for medicinal purposes….I think.

Rob tried to win one of those giant stuffed bears at a basketball game.  Okay, maybe he wasn’t trying to win a giant bear – I honestly don’t remember.  As soon as the guys running the game saw me get the camera out though, they were all about the photo op.  So thanks dudes, for being part of our memories, you made the blog.

Rob won a basketball.  I say it was rigged.

Rob was pretty worn out after all that, so I let him and Stacy man the camera while we went on a ride that was my cup of tea.

Well, at least until the ride started and Steven and Dave decided it would be cool to spin at Tazmanian Devil speed.

My stomach gets queasy just thinking about it.  We also did the wave.  I don’t know why, it’s just how we roll – and anything to get Dave and Steven to stop their spinning was cool with me.

Here’s a picture Rob took of my Stacy while we were waiting in line.  She’s so darn pretty.

The next morning before the New Yorkers left to drive home we tried to get a picture for my mom.  She requested a nice photo of the 6 of us.

I think we did pretty good,  considering I didn’t have a lot of time to scope out a location and the lighting wasn’t great.

It helps that we’re such a good looking bunch.

Just a warning Steven, Stacy wants us all to do this again at Christmas time.

Go Speed Racer

Over Columbus Day weekend Steven, Stacy, Amanda, and Rob came down to hang out with us in Williamsburg.  We had an awesome time!!  Stacy and I were able to celebrate our birthday together (a little early, but we’re not complaining).

Saturday we went to a Go Kart place.  I was the official photographer for the day.

Here’s Rob in the Home Depot car, ready to roll.

Dave was sponsored by Goodwrench.

Amanda took the Alltel car.  She looks nervous, doesn’t she? Maybe someone has seen “Days of Thunder” one too many times. Maybe I just make stuff up so I can read myself type.  That doesn’t sound as good as “hear myself speak” does it?

And here are Steven, Stacy, and Rob coming around turn three.  It might not have been turn three.  I don’t know, I didn’t count them.

The word in the pits was that the race was a little slow.  The drivers blamed it on their cars – I’m not buying it.

The bumper cars were the next event.

Here it looks like Steven and Stacy are ganging up on poor Amanda.  Now, that’s just not nice

Um, excuse me, Stacy? See the camera? That means I’m the photographer, please just turn your little car around and go find someone else to hit.

Thank you.

And this was when the Bumper Car Guy decided that the kids had enough fun and turned off the cars.

They went to a different race track next.  Dave was determined to win.

Look at the concentration on his face.  He’d spent years training for this moment.

He had some stiff competition though.  Stacy wasn’t about to hand over her title without a fight.

Then the boys started to race dirty.

Oh wait, what’s that?

I see.

Apparently Steven hitting Stacy on the turn (a direct violation of the posted rules) is really just rubbin’, and rubbin’ is racin’.

Amanda stepped in to help block the boys.

That’s right Amanda, keep them back, and while we’re at it, maybe we can try and keep our eyes on the road too – we don’t want a wreck here.

The girls’ plan worked! They’re cool like that.

Here’s my girl coming down Victory Lane.  I think they are going to make a movie about her.

And here’s the rest of the racers.

We had just enough tickets left for one last go at the bumper cars.

Dave takes his bumper cars very seriously.

Okay, maybe not that seriously.

After the tickets were gone, we spent some time in the arcade.  Steven showed off what he learned in his Hunter’s Safety Course and his mad bike skillz (oh yeah, with a “z”).

Guten Tag!

It looks like I completely missed the month of October.  Go me.

Don’t worry, I’ll play catch-up now.  It will be fantastic.  I promise.

I think I’ll break these up in to a bunch of separate posts – just so I can feel like less of a slacker.  They will probably be mostly pictures, which is great for those of you that don’t like to read, not so great for people on dial up (sorry).

Here we go!

On October 4th we went to Oktoberfest. It was a lot of fun.

Yep, see, that’s us there at the Oktoberfest.  My friend Sarah took the picture.

Here’s Sarah with Dave.

Sarah is a riot.  I like Sarah a lot. Dave likes Sarah too.  He also likes beer.

And I’ll end this with some general ambiance type photos.  We did not partake in the dancing.

Told you I didn’t have a lot to say.