Man, I wish I would have had this hotel in New Delhi.
The hallway I am staying in all rooms for women traveling alone – which is nice. You have to have a key to even get into my hallway, and there’s a female guard outside the door to the hallway. The bathroom has things like nail polish remover, facial toner (this scares me a little), pumice stones, and a pink comb. It’s very girly.
It’s obviously very safe – which is fantastic – plus the room is bigger. I have a little couch and a coffee table. The bed is super comfortable. I can’t wait until Saturday when I get to sleep in.
Maybe Saturday you’ll get your Taj post too…..maybe. It’s way better for me to be halfway around the world and posting about things I found in the bathroom, don’t you think?
Right now though, it’s almost 9 pm and I think I’m going to do my ironing for tomorrow and go read in that big comfy bed.