Today 05.06.15

Today was a busy one. Maggie, Luke, and I met up with some friends at the playground for a couple of hours this morning.

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This was my view on the way to the bus stop this afternoon.

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We went to the local police station’s open house tonight. The boys got their pictures taken with McGruff the Crime Dog (Maggie preferred to wave to McGruff from at least 10 feet away).

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The kids got to climb around inside all sort of rescue vehicles – including a helicopter!

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Luke liked the firetruck.

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They had two demos tonight too. The first showed how tasers work and included a (crazy) police employee that volunteered to be tasered (Adam thought that was a little scary).

2015-05-06 19.35.21The second was all about a police dog (a real one, not McGruff). It was amazing to see how well trained the dog was and the boys both liked seeing him hunt for “clues”. They had a newer policeman in a bite suit that acted as a “bad guy” and so we got to see the dog attack too. The kids enjoyed that as well; Luke liked cheering for the dog.

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