Pretty Toes

Lately Maggie has been talking a lot more. Most of the time, it’s just jibberish, but I have been picking up some new words and phrases from her.

I have an alarm set on my phone for 10 minutes before Adam’s bus arrives, just so I don’t get caught up in things and lose track of time. Each time she hears it, Maggie announces, “Time get Adam!”, and then runs to find her shoes.

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She gets so excited when she’s able to get me to understand her. The other day when I figured out she wanted me to refill her water cup, she clapped and jumped around like I just solved the final puzzle on Wheel of Fortune.

2015-04-14 13.18.27She’s definitely got spunk, from her sometimes wild hair all the way down to her little pink toes. I recently painted her toenails for the first time (I’ve been wanting to for ages and am amazed I held out as long as I did).

The downside with her “pretty toes”, as she calls them, is now she doesn’t want to wear socks or shoes.

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