Sneaky Sherman

This kid is in full on Sherman mode today.

2014-09-22 10.15.20

I was folding laundry upstairs and he was helping. After he put away some of his clothes and some of Adam’s, he asked if he could put away the kitchen towels.

I finished up the rest of the clothes and went downstairs to find that he had carpeted the kitchen in towels and washcloths. The two towels he had taken downstairs, and about half of the rest of the drawer, were unfolded and laid out like a crazy patchwork quilt on the floor.

2014-09-23 14.26.24

I had him help me clean them up and then put on a cartoon for him and Maggie. Once they were occupied, I went upstairs to grab a quick shower. While I was gone, Luke decided he needed a snack, and helped himself to four apples (he took 3-4 bites out of each one).

2014-09-23 14.54.53Then, just a few minutes ago, I was filling out the online paperwork for the kids’ dentist. My desk is right outside the doorway to the kitchen. Maggie came up to me with her face and shirt covered in cookie crumbs. Sneaky Sherman had silently raided the pantry – and decided to share. I’m still not sure how he did it without my hearing him.

That kid, he keeps me on my toes.

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