An Apple a Day

Adam took an apple to his teacher today. She sent an email saying that they are going to be starting a unit all about apples this week, and asked if the students could each bring one in.

I’m kicking myself for not getting him a green apple, since that kid is still all about green.

2014-09-33 07.09.53

Part of Adam’s bedtime routine is picking out his clothes for the next day. Because of soccer, things were a little rushed last night, and we skipped that step.

This morning I found him wearing camouflage shorts (it was 45 degrees) and a very wrinkled long-sleeve plaid shirt. Thankfully, I was able to use the weather to dissuade him from the shorts and promised to iron the shirt for another day. (Side note: What was I thinking buying a shirt for a 5-year-old that requires ironing?)

Instead, he insisted on wearing all green – pants, shirt, underpants, and even socks. When I pointed out that he had a green sweatshirt he could wear too, he was thrilled. He told me that I really am the “best mom a kid could have”.

2014-09-23 11.59.57And lest you think I let my child hop on the bus looking like the Jolly Green Giant, he actually matched rather nicely (or will at least once the sweatshirt comes off at school).

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