3 & 5 (well, almost)

Both boys had check-ups today. They insisted on wearing their capes, a decision I supported 100%.

2014-07-22 09.49.56

2014-07-22 09.27.52

2014-07-22 09.03.39

Neither of them needed any vaccines this visit, but they did both have to have blood work done. Adam was especially brave. He cried a little, but sat nice and still. He told me that he wished that his doctor trip was a dream, because he didn’t like the part that hurt. He did like the vision and hearing tests though.

2014-07-22 10.37.33Here are their stats for those that are curious:

Weight Height
Adam 40.5 lbs 42.5 in
Luke 34 lbs 38 in

Luke is catching up!

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