I think the boys’ favorite part about Easter weekend was that it was finally warm enough to get out Papa & Mabel’s fleet of vehicles. A couple of weeks ago, while throwing pennies in a fountain, Adam wished that they would get another green “behicle”. He was so surprised to see the latest addition parked in their driveway (thanks to Uncle Pete & Aunt Jane).
Thankfully all three were charged and ready to go.
The Easter Bunny even used one to help hide Adam’s basket in the garage.
Adam was all business the next day, helping Aunt Stacy with some gardening.
He did take a couple of breaks to chauffeur his brother around.
Which was good, because Luke isn’t exactly the best driver.
Maggie only sat in the vehicles for pictures, but I’m sure it won’t be long before she’s driving herself around the yard (or into the neighbor’s garage).