Saturday morning Adam and Dave set out on their “adventure” (as Adam called it). It started with a trip to the hardware store, where Adam was outfitted with these nifty safety goggles and a work apron.
He was also given a hammer and a kit to build an airplane. He was pretty excited about it all (we had told him in advance that he was going to build something, but not what).
Dave said a lot of the hammering was too advanced for Adam, but he still really enjoyed himself. They got to spend time together and Adam got a fun new airplane out of it (plus he got to keep the apron, goggles, and hammer).
Afterwards they went for haircuts and to return bottles and cans at the grocery store. It might not sound like too much, but Adam really loves sorting and feeding the cans into the machine. Then they went to lunch at “The Apple”, just the two of them.
Here’s a before & after of that haircut. Dave said it was the easiest haircut yet. Adam just sat nicely and the hairdresser even commented on how much better he was now. I’m fairly certain she’s scarred for life from a few of those early haircuts where Adam screamed the entire time.
Side note: Luke pronounces the words happy, airplane, and ice cream almost identically. It can make for some interesting mix-ups. And it sort of makes me want to take him for a plane ride and give him an ice cream cone – just to see if it makes him happy. I bet it would.