Today: 08.09.2013

Today had no business being a good day – none at all.

Yesterday the first of Luke’s 2-year molars started to break through. He came up to me screaming “hurt, hurt!” after naptime while holding the left side of his face. A couple of hours later I was finally able to poke a finger in (dangerous, I know) and felt the offending tooth. One started, three more to go.

Adam didn’t go to sleep until after one o’clock last night. Even though he took a two and a half hour nap, I think he was over tired. We spent a lot of time playing outside yesterday and it really wore him out. Thanks to his late, late bedtime, I assumed he would be a miserable today.

And Maggie is going through a “I’m-not-happy-unless-mama-is-holding-me” phase. As a result I have loads and loads (pun intended) of unfolded laundry. Doing the laundry one-handed is easy – folding it, not so much. I’ve also been missing my “me” time the last couple of nights. Normally she hangs out with Dave in the evening for a couple of hours, but lately she’s been boycotting that (I think she’s tired of watching baseball).

Anyway, like I said, today had no business being a good day – but it was.

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Maggie woke up in an awesome mood. She even let me put her down in the stroller for her morning nap. I was able to read a magazine while Luke and Adam played together. They said hello (and bye bye) to every person that walked past our driveway. We don’t have a lot of cars that go by our house, but there is a lot of foot traffic. They were both excited to see the mail truck pull up, and the mailman honked his horn at them as he left. I’m pretty sure it made Adam’s day. He is pretty big on people tooting their horns when they leave, to say good-bye (he gets that from his Aunt Stacy).

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Adam drew a picture of me. You can tell because it says my name on it – twice (and that is totally what my hair looks like – I really need a haircut). He insisted on drawing it inside of the garage so that the rain won’t wash it away.

2013-08-09 10.41.07The boys played nicely most of the day. Here they’re doing an experiment in their water table. I filled it with water from the hose and then gave them some containers with colored ice in them. (Side note: Normally I try not to let Luke have his pacifier unless it’s naptime or bedtime, however he’s teething and it makes him feel better – so he gets a pass.)

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The experiment was pretty simple: Blue Ice + Yellow Ice = Green Water. I got the idea for this online, and they used food coloring when they did it. I was worried about it staining though and so I crushed up some of the pellets the kids’ use to turn their bathwater different colors and it worked great. Both boys played with this for a long time and Adam has already asked if they can do it again tomorrow.

2013-08-09 11.28.46 When they weren’t playing in the water or drawing with chalk, they were riding around the driveway. This scooter was another of Adam’s birthday gifts.

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For some reason, Luke thinks it is hilarious to crash in to the front of the van. He did it repeatedly with the car and also with the tricycle. I’m really hoping he doesn’t have this same mindset when he turns 16.


Anyway, it turned out to be not too bad of a day after all. Sure, we had our share of tears (from all three kids), but overall, it was good (I didn’t cry once!).

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