Today: 07.29.2013

Luke brought Maggie a hat this morning. She was not impressed.

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So he decided to try to annoy entertain his brother instead. He followed him around playing the drums for him. Adam was not impressed and kept trying to get away from him. Finally he turned to Luke and yelled, “No Luke! This isn’t a marching band!”

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Adam did try to console Maggie while she was crying earlier though. He made up a song for her when she stared to fuss. “Don’t cry little Eggbert, don’t even start to cry. Don’t cry little Eggbert, don’t cry.” It was a nice song, but Adam pronounces the letter “c” like a “t” some of the time. So his song ended up sounding very demotivating “don’t try little Eggbert…” All kidding aside though, it was really sweet and made me a proud mama.

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I think her big brother’s song definitely helped though. It wasn’t long before Eggbert, I mean Maggie, was back to her happy little self.

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