We live on front porches

Here are some of the pictures from yesterday’s trip to the playground.  This was actually the second trip that day for Adam and me.  At first he wasn’t too sure of being in the swing.

It didn’t take long for him to decide it was fun.

We ended up turning him around to see if that would help with the pictures.  The sun was not cooperating.

This next picture cracks me up.  Lately whenever Adam hears anyone say “yay” he claps his hands.  So that’s what he was trying to do here.

We’ve already made one trip back to the playground today – it’s nice having it so close.  We went over right before lunch and there were a ton of people there.  He would have sat and watched the older kids all day if I’d let him.  He was very interested in how the boy next to him was able to swing so high without his mommy pushing him.

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