Overheard this week

We have a book called “Mommy Hugs” that Adam has been requesting a lot lately at bedtime. I was out the other night and Adam asked Dave to read it – only he insisted that Dave say “Daddy Hugs” instead of “Mommy” while reading it.


We were shopping and Dave and Luke went off to a different part of the store to look for something.

Adam: Mommy, where DaddyLuke go? (he often leaves the “and” out when talking about multiple people)

Me: They went to look for something. We will go find them in a just a minute.

Adam: But Mommy, we have to stay together! We a family remember?


Me: Adam, come here and let me change your diaper.

Adam: No thanks.

Me: Get over here, you smell horrible.

Adam: No, no change my diaper Mommy. I a stinky skunk.


Adam: Mommy, you need you socks on.

Me: No I am wearing flip-flops, I don’t need to wear socks with these shoes.

Adam: Mommy, you need socks on. It’s the law.


While shopping Adam was standing in front of the stroller, blocking my path.

Me: Adam, you have got to move.

Adam (singing): I got the moves like Jagger.

(that one might not make sense to everyone, but if you do get it – it’s pretty funny)


After Dave read him a bedtime story about a wide-mouthed frog that likes to eat flies, Adam announced that he is a “wide-mouthed Adam that likes to eat chicken”.


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