It’s fun to play at the Y-A-C-D!

The title of my last post (There’s a place you can go) was supposed to refer to a different story. It wasn’t until right before I went to sleep that I realized I never wrote about what I had intended to – however that lyric from the YMCA song, when taken out of context, did work with the picture of Adam on his “chair”.

I meant to comment on how well Adam is doing when I leave him in the childcare room at the Y while I workout. He barely even acknowledges that I’m leaving and runs right for his favorite toys. We’ve come a long way from the handful of times we tried this a year ago, when he would alternate between crying and screaming the whole time I was gone. They said he did get a little upset yesterday when some people he didn’t know were admiring Luke. He’s pretty protective of his little brother – which I love.

I also love that rather than calling it the YMCA, Adam refers to it as the YACD.

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