Cave Cutie

There was never really any question that Luke would be a dinosaur for Halloween. I am so in love with the the dino costume Adam wore his first Halloween that Luke and any future babies will most likely be wearing that their first Halloweens as well (provided I can squeeze them in to it it fits them).

I had a really difficult time deciding on Adam’s costume though. I originally toyed with the idea of him being a dinosaur too, but I knew there was no way Adam would keep any sort of mask or hood on, and most of the costumes I found online had one or the other (and not to mention were more than I wanted to spend). I really wanted the boys’ costumes to go together though (because I’m nerdy like that) and so when Dave suggested Adam dress as a caveman, I knew it was perfect (technically according to the geologic timeline cavepeople and dinosaurs did not coexist, but what’s 65 million years between friends?).

Me Caveman Adam, ugh.

So a a quick trip to the craft store for some animal print fabric and another to a Halloween costume shop for the plastic bones around the top and we were in business. I used one of Adam’s shirts as a guide for the size (and still ended up having to take in the sides twice).

CaveAdam mad! (he wasn’t really, he was just beating his hands on his chest, Tarzan-style)

We added his dinosaur feet slippers and there you go, instant Cavekid.

There was one other piece to his costume that my father insisted he needed.

Papa make CaveAdam happy. CaveAdam dance.

Papa say CaveAdam need club.

So yes, we got a two year old a club – a club that is almost as tall as he is. For some reason whenever he uses it (and he is actually really good about only hitting it on the floor – excluding earlier today when he hit Dave in the head) he says, “hiiiiyah”. It’s pretty funny.

I think the caveman costume suits our little wild man just fine.

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