A year ago last night is when we shared the news that Adam was on his way (of course didn’t know that he was a he, much less that he was an Adam at the time). I can’t believe that he’s just a few days away from being 5 months old!
We took Adam to see Santa and while we couldn’t get him to smile, he didn’t cry either. In my book that’s a success. I am pretty sure that’s the best mall Santa I’ve ever seen. His beard was even real!
And of course I’m way behind again with the pictures – posting pictures of Christmas before Thanksgiving (to be honest though we did go see Santa on November 23rd – so chronologically I am okay even if I’m off seasonally). Maybe I’ll make a New Year’s Resolution to make a new post at least once week. Or maybe I should make a resolution not to, and then I will either follow through with it by continuing to slack off, or I’ll break it and write more – either way someone will win.