He wears it well

One of the cool things about having another little boy is that we’ll get to re-use a lot of Adam’s clothes (and Adam has a lot of clothes). It always makes me a little sad to pack up the clothes that Adam’s outgrown and now I’ll get to pull them all out again for Luke to wear.

My mom picked out those jammies for Adam shortly after he was born. It was right after my dad saw pictures of “the boy” in a gender neutral polka-dot outfit and insisted we go shopping for something more manly. I believe the exact term he used was “baby John Wayne” clothes.

Adam later got another pair of the same pajamas, size 6 months, from some friends of mine and I was thrilled. They are my all-time favorites. I love the pinstripes and the little feet. I like them so much that I went out and bought them in the 9 month size as well. That’s the biggest size they came in, otherwise I’d have bought more. If it were up to me Adam, and now Luke, would be sleeping in these until they were ready to start kindergarten, maybe longer.

Luckily for me Luke still has a lot of time left in these pajamas. I’m sure I’ll still be a little sad when he outgrows this first pair. My mom has predicted that Dave and I will end up having four boys like my Grandma Elsa did though; so if she’s right then hopefully Luke won’t be the last one in those hand-me-downs.

But to be completely honest, I would totally dress a little girl in those jammies.

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