In case you were wondering, our good day continued. Adam woke up from his nap in a great mood and we spent the rest of the afternoon singing and dancing (he’s a big fan of “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” lately) and playing with different shapes. Now that Adam has the alphabet mastered (uppercase) he’s decided his new thing is pointing out shapes to me (he knows square, circle, triangle, star, and heart).
And since I’m bragging about my little man I’ll mention how at Luke’s check-up earlier this week Adam was playing with his car playmat that lives in my purse. He was holding a car and Dave told him to park it in the number four spot and he did! Perhaps number recognition is next on his list? He is already pretty good at counting to ten and will also sing along to the ABC Song.
It’s not all fun and games though, our little smarty pants also has a diabolical side. He’s learned that his toy golf clubs (which are now for outdoor only use) can be used to reach and activate the ice/water dispenser on our refrigerator. He has a knack for being able to locate the power button on any electronic device. And it didn’t take him long at all to learn that the best time to do something he knows he’s not supposed to (like stick a plastic comb in an oscillating fan) is when I am feeding Luke. This is why my hair is turning grey.
Anyway, back to the point of my story (yes, I did have one when I started), when Dave got home from work I left him with the boys and ran out to run a few errands. I haven’t yet worked up the courage to go out on my own with both kids. I’m sure that day will come soon (and most likely bring with it some interesting stories), but I’m in no hurry.
One of the items on my shopping list was a new pair of sneakers for Adam. He’s sadly almost outgrown his Elmo shoes and so I was on a mission to find something fun for him that wouldn’t break the bank. I also wanted to make sure they weren’t cheaply made and would offer him good support while he’s running faster and jumping higher (because you know that’s what new shoes do). I lucked out at Shoe Dept. and found these on clearance, only two sets left and one was in his new size.
It was a packaged deal and so Adam got two pairs of new shoes for less than $20. The sneakers are nice and sturdy (and have velcro, which is a huge plus in my book). The other shoes will be perfect for playing with his water table. He always ends up soaked and so I normally have him wear his fireman rain boots. Lately however he’s decided that his boots are much more fun when you use them as buckets and fill them with water. Earlier I had to stop him from drinking out of one of the filled boots. These new shoes might not be as multipurpose as his boots, but they should stay on his feet a little better and won’t end up sopping wet.
Adam doesn’t really care about Lightning McQueen. I think he’s seen part of the movie Cars once, but for that price we might have to watch the movie tomorrow so he can get better acquainted. I am a bit saddened by the transition from Elmo to Lightning, it’s like another step away from being my baby and toward being a “big boy”. It doesn’t help that suddenly on Tuesday Adam decided to stop calling us “Mama” and “Dada” and switched to “Mommy” and “Daddy”.
At least this one is still my baby.
who in their right mind would give a 2 year old golf clubs????? Seriously!
Good post – keep ’em coming! And I miss your boys so bring them home soon please!